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Has 2024 already passed half? How are you doing this year? How are you doing with your business partners who were preparing to start a business last year? What are your plans for the second half of the year?

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In a twinkling of an eye, it was the middle of June again, and this year was half over. When I posted last June, I thought that Amazon would become better and better. How was your development, my buddies who were preparing to start their businesses last year? Have you embarked on the journey? Have the plans for the second half of last year been realized?
As a logistics person closely related to cross-border sellers, I will talk about logistics first. This year's logistics can be said to have many problems, but air transportation and card air transportation have not changed much. Sea transportation and railway are changing too fast. As we all know, at the beginning of last year, when we were thinking about the Palestinian Israeli conflict, was it possible to stop fire when we came back from the beginning of the year? Unexpectedly, it became more and more serious. Without stopping, it sank several ships. The result is that the shipping time is tight and the freight is soaring. Although it is not the peak season, the shipping company also artificially creates the peak season. The sea transportation situation is not optimistic, resulting in some goods being transferred to the railway. However, the railway transport capacity can not digest the cargo volume, resulting in poor congestion timeliness and rising prices.
The customs clearance points in Europe this year have not stopped. It is really difficult to find out something from time to time, because there are more inspection machines and a checklist. Well, stop talking, fishing is over. Dear cross-border people, how was your situation in the first half of the year and what are your plans for the second half of the year?
It is hoped that the Palestine Israel conflict will end world peace in the second half of the year, the time limit will recover, and the freight will be stabilized. Serve several customers more. Get rich!!!!! (ps: Welcome friends to communicate with each other).  
Small independent sellers expect that this year will be the year with the highest profit for me. The monthly net profit in the current peak season is about 25W, and this year is expected to be 200W. However, this year is the year with the most business, and it may be that the profit of some products has increased.
The net profit of last year may be about 150W, which is very easy. It's no big problem to send the goods and check the email.
This year is really tired, but the actual increase in income is not much.
Keep going this year! Come back to summarize the performance at the end of the year!

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