Dry goods sharing!!! Clarify the principle and difference between Amazon Merge and refurbishment

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Merge function

Merge means "merge" in Chinese. Amazon's Merge function is designed to reduce duplicate product pages, thereby improving customers' shopping experience. The seller can merge the duplicate product pages through the Merge function, and finally retain one product page.

Difference between Merge and regular variant merge

Merge: Replace one ASIN with another. The original ASIN no longer exists. The foreground only displays the reserved ASIN, but the inventory and comments can be shared. General variant merge: merge links with variant relationships (like a product with different colors). The foreground displays all variants and comments are shared, but the FBA inventory of each variant is independent.

Refurbishment Listing

Renovating Listing takes advantage of the loopholes in Amazon's system to renovate a link that is not in the new product period into a new link and re promote it. Because of the vulnerability, this method is risky and may be settled by Amazon.

Principles of renovation

Renovation is to map a SKU from the old ASIN to the new ASIN. Amazon's SKU is bundled with FNSKU, and the inventory follows FNSKU. As long as the new ASIN's SKU is the same as the old ASIN's SKU, the inventory can be transferred. The link after renovation is the new ASIN, but the inventory is still the inventory of the old ASIN.

Role of Merge

Inventory sharing: avoid the impact of stock out on sales, and save the cost of moving warehouse and changing bid. Comment optimization: reduce the impact of bad comments on sales. Processing the restricted ASIN: create new links for the same products, transfer the FBA inventory, and save the cost of moving the warehouse and changing the label. Increase in the number of comments: merge the links of the same products, realize comment sharing, and improve the click rate and conversion rate. New product flow support: newly created links can obtain Amazon new product flow support.

Operation process of Merge

Click the background help button, select "My problem is not listed", and enter "Merge" in the box describing the problem. Submit the merge request and wait for Amazon to process. After the consolidation is successful, the inventory under the deleted ASIN will be automatically transferred to the new ASIN. If it is not automatically transferred, you can open a case to ask customer service for assistance.

Role of refurbishment

Re promotion: renovate old links into new ones, and get support from Amazon's new product traffic. Improve rating: restore the link to no rating status and rebuild it. Inventory transfer: transfer the removed linked inventory to other links by means of renovation, so as to save the cost of warehouse transfer and bid exchange.

Operation process of renovation

Create a new link in the background. The ASIN of the new link is the new ASIN. The product details are consistent with the old link. Record the old SKU and old ASIN of the old link, and delete the old link. The new ASIN is sold in the background. When filling in the following information, the SKU fills in the old SKU and selects Amazon for distribution. After waiting for about 15 minutes, the background inventory management interface will display the new ASIN, old SKU and old FNSKU, and the inventory is available but not available for sale. Open a case to find customer service, and restore the link to the saleable status. If a case fails, you can open it several times or try another language.

matters needing attention:
Whether it is Merge or refurbishment, there are certain risks, and it is not recommended to use it when it is unnecessary. In particular, the risk of abuse of variant accounts by Amazon is greater. There may be no impact temporarily after the operation, but the risk still exists in the long run. As a long-term seller, you should focus on products and customer service.
"Renovating Listing is to exploit the vulnerability of Amazon system"
Cold knowledge, renovation is not a system vulnerability. The core of renovation is inventory mapping. Amazon officially allows you to do inventory mapping, provided that there is no restricted ASIN

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