With these conditions, will you go it alone? The landlord is still a little lacking in courage. Maybe he has been working for a long time. Would you choose to work alone?

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The owner has been working for Amazon for five years. Recently, he is in a bottleneck. In recent years, he is responsible for the selection, design and operation of products, and can create millions of gross profits for the company every year. The company is only responsible for capital and supply chain help. Because recently, the owner has also found a supply chain that can cooperate with the company (similar to the supply chain that the company cooperates with. At most, the price is a little more expensive because the quantity is small, but it has little impact on the overall profit margin).
At present, the owner has his own shop, freight forwarding resources, about 80W of capital, operation, and product selection design capabilities. All Amazon processes are very familiar except for those weak in the supply chain. With these conditions, I suddenly found that I could develop and design products by myself and cooperate with the factory. I no longer need to continue working.
At present, several new products have been designed, and they are 70% sure. A batch of each new product developed needs about 3W of capital (about 500). It seems that such conditions have met the requirements of working alone full-time? The landlord is still a little lacking in courage. Maybe he has been working for a long time. Would you choose to work alone?  

Achilobe - Amazon operation in 2022

Approval from: I want to ask why rainco disike123124 What's on your mind? The Will of Fire Abby003 Chunicat Newbie Peter Yi Xiaoyang What? What wk984658261 Be your own king Lucyzhang Make 100000 yuan this year Jessica0123 FelixZhiyu ZGY Volume 123 The Dog Comes to the Eight Wastes Beef Noodles with Eggplant Xiao Yang, who has been losing weight Lack of sleep, bad mood Hu Coating 0 Walk with you jojo983119 Delighted Vulpes Xia Xiucai ZOLAZH It's a biscuit Su Shiyu Eat and drink. Can smoke cats Why never speak huang456 Win prizes in the morning and evening Mind123 User 0571431151 Feifei Wakaka JeremyKolis Cosmic Hani Liabilities 200W struggle123 Xiaopao Dishes 99 Moments before a whole page Cheng braised egg 2024 ZWBYLMJ Stupid eating watermelon Smart Little Donkey Closer223 ccdzd1 I melancholy guest in the world Cross border small transparency 88 AXiing Small neck hlj2334 moyell The empty city has gone GreatGatsby You want to retire Charlie Charlie It's pigskin Liu Bei is good at fighting wild cm2436 Maomao 1001 Wait for the wind to come Tiramisu Leanne Fang Benbai jane0722 Thunder Three Thousand 21 Simonn Bubble gum 111 White screen sponge I finally came in Daddy with numb scalp Orange West I'm Xiaobaiya SIRIx1314 Alanokey More »

My friend and I started to work alone after holding 2W. Until the store can form a self circulation (no longer paste money inside, the store can meet all expenses by collecting money.) A total of 7W was invested. At present, 2.3W has been collected. Now the daily sales are 400 dollars. In September this year, it will be a full year. At present, there is only one account in North America. The daily sales volume is 400 yuan, which can't be called a small snack here. But every month we pay back 37800 yuan, one person for one month. The rest of the products and freight forwarders are enough for us to be satisfied with our current life and look forward to the future when the sales volume is still growing slowly.
I can't imagine what a wonderful life it would be like if we had 80W funds in our hands. I think we should have a Xiaomi SU7 first.
Ha ha ha, the big man with 80W in hand, your chance of trial and error is much greater than ours. Maybe what is lacking is a Taoist friend who can promote, struggle, urge and advance together with you!

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