[Tutorial] How to open WeChat merchants without business license

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Opening without business license WeChat The merchant version can also open credit cards for minors

I learned about this a few days ago, and found that many people sell it for free apply It's free! (Please do not use it for violations)

WeChat What are the advantages of merchant code? You can go to find out. It is suitable for large amount transfer and credit card collection. It is mainly that no business license is required apply It also has the main scanning function!

WeChat code scanning followed the public account, reply: the developer identified the QR code to enter the applet interface, joined the developer, and then selected the microenterprise Merchant , expand Merchant Do not select Normal Merchant

The materials needed here are as follows: shop front photo and shop inside photo (search for shop photos in public comments, which are found in general comments or in the shop album, and the watermark in the lower right corner must be removed before uploading)

The merchant name can be customized, but it should be similar to the store name, otherwise it will be rejected!
 [Tutorial] How to open WeChat merchants without business license
For the rest, please fill in your mobile phone number according to the requirements. The front and back of your ID card will allow you to submit your bank card information. Remember to choose a 0.38 rate at the merchant's rate!
 [Tutorial] How to open WeChat merchants without business license
You can get off the account within 10 minutes. After you get off the account, you can send the signing code to the customer or scan the code yourself to sign the contract. After you become an extension member, you can also open a business for others!

Where can I get the merchant QR code: WeChat collection business version, my store, click in to get your own commercial collection code! apply If you succeed, you can apply for a counter card for 1 cent

Merchants do not need to withdraw their own cash when collecting money. Tencent will directly put the money on your bank card at about 4:00 am the next day!

WeChat code scanning reply: if the developer finds that the QR code is unavailable, he can resend the keyword to get it
 [Tutorial] How to open WeChat merchants without business license

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