WordPress 5.1 "Betty" release

Release your eyes, put on your headphones and listen~!

WordPress 5.1, It is named "Betty" to commemorate the famous jazz singer Betty Carter. You can already see the update push in the background.

After WordPress 5.0 - introducing the main version of the new block editor - 5.1 focuses on optimizing the editor, especially improving the overall performance of the editor. In addition, this version paves the way for a better, faster and more secure WordPress, and provides some necessary tools for webmasters and developers.

Site Health

Considering the security and speed, this version introduces the first site health function of WordPress. WordPress will start issuing notifications to the administrators of websites running expired versions of PHP. When you install a new plug-in, the site health function of WordPress will be checked according to the PHP version you are running. If the plug-in requires a version that is not applicable to your website, WordPress will prevent you from installing the plug-in.

 WordPress 5.1 "Betty" release

Editor optimization

WordPress 5.1 has made performance improvements in the new editor. The editor loads faster and types more smoothly. It is expected that there will be more performance improvements in the next several versions.

Good news for developers

Multi site metadata

5.1 A new database table is introduced to store the metadata related to the site, and allow the storage of any site data related to the multi site/network environment.

Scheduled Cron API

The Cron API has been updated with new features to help return data and includes new filters for modifying cron storage. Other changes in behavior affect cron generation on servers running FastCGI and PHP FPM version 7.0.16 and later.

New JS construction process

WordPress 5.1 has a new JavaScript build option that follows the massive reorganization of the code launched in version 5.0.


Other improvements include:

  • to update WP_DEBUG_LOG Value of constant
  • New test configuration file wp-config.php constant in test suite, new plug-in action hook
  • wp_unique_post_slug() WP_User_Query and count_users() New Short circuit filter
  • newly added human_readable_duration function
  • Improved taxonomy metadata cleaning
  • WP_Meta_Query Support via LIKE Query
  • A new "error" notification appears when registering REST API endpoints

... and more!

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