You can live freely only when you learn to follow your fate

Release your eyes, put on your headphones and listen~!

The more things you want to get, the more you tend to stay away from you. It's the so-called don't try too hard

In this world, everything can not be smooth, everything goes well, there will always be trouble and sorrow. How should we deal with the unpleasant things that often haunt us? "Suit yourself to circumstances, and your troubles will be gone". In fact, following fate is a kind of enterprising behavior of the wise and an excuse of the fool. What is casual? Follow is not to follow, but to let nature take its course, without resentment, without impetuosity, without excess, and without compulsion; Is not casual, is to grasp the opportunity, not pessimistic, not rigid, not flustered, not obsessed; It is a kind of philosophical, free and easy, a kind of life Maturity and sophistication.

What is fate? Everything in the world has the possibility of meeting, following and enjoying each other. Possibility means predestination; impossibility means no predestination. Destiny is everywhere and all the time. You, I and he are all in the network of fate. As the saying goes, "If you are destined to meet thousands of miles away, you will not know each other if you are not destined to meet each other". Thousands of miles away, in a foreign country, strangers even smile at you, this is fate. There are also some who have been in love for a long time, but meet for no time. Fate, there are gathering and scattering, beginning and end. Some people lament: "There is no feast that will not end. Since it is going to end, why get together?" Fate is a kind of existence, a process.

"If you are destined to live, you will not go. A breeze will send white clouds." life I like to ask for something and get it; I am not worried if I cannot ask. If so, life Where can there be any trouble? Follow the fate with pain and happiness, follow the fate with gain and loss. Cultivate with a "worldly" attitude, and harvest with a "worldly" attitude. This is fate life The highest level of.

"Accidental fate" is often understood by some people as not needing to do something and being resigned to fate, which also becomes the reason to avoid problems and difficulties. As we all know, Suiyuan is not to give up the pursuit, but to make people open-minded mentality To face life; Suiyuan is a kind of wisdom, which can make people still have a calm mind and a cool head in a fanatical environment; Suiyuan is a kind of cultivation, a person who has experienced the vicissitudes of life, an experience who has read all the human feelings, and an overdraft life An epiphany. Suiyuan is not without principles, no position, nor careless. "Karma" needs many conditions to be established. If you can follow the karma without violating the truth, this is called "karma".

In life, people often have such feelings and puzzles: "Why do some people dislike me?" "Why do some people not understand me?" "Why is this so?" If from the perspective of karma, there is no reason to dislike, and no reason to like; No reason is needed for understanding, and no reason is needed for not understanding. The fate is the fate, does not need any reason.

All living beings in the world can be said to be destined for something, such as happiness, luck, popularity, wealth, opportunity, good luck, bad luck, etc. Everything follows the circumstances and follows the nature. This is not only the attitude of Zen, but also a spirit we need for a happy life. Suiyuan is a kind of peaceful attitude towards existence, and also a kind of Zen state of existence. "Don't be surprised by the spoils or insults, just watch the flowers bloom and fall in front of the court; go or stay unintentionally, just follow the clouds outside the sky." If you can let go of the spoils or insults, you will be calm and comfortable. Eat while eating and sleep while sleeping. Don't expect things in the first place, don't remember things in the last place, calm and plain, natural and philosophical, follow your heart, follow your feelings, follow your reason, and you will know that everything has Zen flavor. In this busy vanity market, if you can often relax for a moment, relax your body and mind, meditate and realize, and work hard over time, you will know your true colors after you put aside all the karma: lively and pure Bodhi consciousness. People do not rely on struggle and creation, but use instinctive wisdom to understand and judge.

Buddhists often talk about following fate, saying that "following fate remains unchanged", "following fate, do not climb it", etc. "Follow the fate" is not to act casually and be conformist, but to follow the current environment and be good as flow; "Invariance" is not to be conservative and stubborn, but to be good. If we follow the fate, we will not blur our position and lose our principles. To be a man in the world, we should be reasonable and harmonious, so that we can achieve the harmony of reason and reason.

If we follow the fate, we will not violate the truth. When Chuang Tzu's wife died, he knew that life and death were like the changes and movements of the four seasons in spring, summer, autumn and winter, which could not be changed or resisted, so he was able to "follow the heaven and sing with a drum"; Lu Jia's "New Words" said: "Do not violate the time, do not seize the physical nature." Understand that the universe and life are all due to the combination of causes and conditions, and the combination of causes will lead to success, and the extinction of causes will lead to separation. Only in this way can we settle down and live with the changes in the impermanence of migration. In life, if you can abide by the principles and follow the fate in small details, you will be able to follow your heart without losing the right way.

Accompanying fate is a kind of mind, a kind of maturity, and a kind of confidence and assurance of self heart. People who understand fate can always be flexible in the changing and difficult life; Always find the way forward in adversity and keep a calm and happy mood. Following fate is a correct and clear understanding of reality, a spiritual freedom after a thorough understanding of life, a philosophical view of "gathering and parting is fate", a detachment of "singing loudly when you get it, and ceasing when you lose it", and even a calm calm of "letting go of life after a long time". With a heart of following fate, you will find that whether the sky is cloudy or sunny; Whether the road of life is rough or smooth, the heart will always have a calm and tranquil.
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2 replies A Author M administrators
  1. I remembered the lyrics of the desert camel

    • It seems that I have listened to this song. Ha ha :huaji:

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