Black Apple Windows time out of sync? How to solve it? Then make an automatic synchronization plan!

Release your eyes, put on your headphones and listen~!
The blogger has been struggling with Black Apple recently. It's a success, but the time of Windows is always ten hours slow (too outrageous). I don't want to synchronize every time I turn on the computer. I also tried the online synchronization patch, but it doesn't work. It's better to plan the task synchronization directly. Here's the tutorial!

 Black Apple Windows time out of sync? How to solve it? Then make an automatic synchronization plan!

establish Scheduled Task

The blogger here uses the win10 system for demonstration (how many people still use win7 after 2020)

Right click this computer - Manage to pop up the management tool page (as shown below)

 Black Apple Windows time out of sync? How to solve it? Then make an automatic synchronization plan!

Click Task Scheduler and click Create Task

 Black Apple Windows time out of sync? How to solve it? Then make an automatic synchronization plan!

Follow the figure below

 Black Apple Windows time out of sync? How to solve it? Then make an automatic synchronization plan!

 Black Apple Windows time out of sync? How to solve it? Then make an automatic synchronization plan!

 Black Apple Windows time out of sync? How to solve it? Then make an automatic synchronization plan!

(The path can be selected by yourself, not necessarily according to the path on the figure)

 Black Apple Windows time out of sync? How to solve it? Then make an automatic synchronization plan!

At this point, there should be no problem. The script program will be automatically executed every half an hour. Now let's release the script!

Script source code

 @echo off net stop w32time w32tm /unregister w32tm /register net start w32time w32tm /resync

It's OK to save it as bat (remember that the path should be correct). If you have any questions, you can leave a message, and the blogger will reply when he sees it.

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