Two magic tools, Adguard and NextDNS, which can be used for advertising and anti tracking, don't you know?

Release your eyes, put on your headphones and listen~!
Whether it is PC or mobile, the development of the domestic Internet is basically accompanied by the development of advertising. The time for rogue software, bundled installation, and video advertising has gradually changed from 15s to 75s. DNS pollution, user tags, privacy tracking, etc. are flooding our Internet life. I remember that there used to be a software called "Advertising Guardian", with one click fool configuration, which can isolate almost all advertisements after installation. Later, because of skipping video advertisements, it disappeared in court with video websites. Now we will introduce Adguard and NextDNS directly!


 Two magic tools, Adguard and NextDNS, which can be used for advertising and anti tracking, don't you know?


After the advertising guard disappeared, Adguard Into my eyes, then Adguard Free software (in memory). Adguard It belongs to the one that has been tested for a long time To advertise Software. There is a rich software matrix. Common devices have clients.
Chinese official website: View Links

 Two magic tools, Adguard and NextDNS, which can be used for advertising and anti tracking, don't you know?

We should mainly focus on Android and PC, Adguard In Android, the local V * N mode is used. Although many people say that this mode does not consume power, my feeling is that it really consumes power, and it is always hung in the background, so I recommend NextDNS for Android. Here we first introduce the use of Adguard PC.

 Two magic tools, Adguard and NextDNS, which can be used for advertising and anti tracking, don't you know?

The Adguard interface is very clean. One click to enable advertisement interception. After installation, the Adguard basic advertisement interception filter will be enabled by default. Generally, this filter is sufficient.
Friends with more needs can add other filters. The following is my use:

 Two magic tools, Adguard and NextDNS, which can be used for advertising and anti tracking, don't you know?

Basically, most web interfaces have no advertising, and video websites have no advertising.
For example, inoreader non paid members have many advertisements, and they are sensitive to adblock. When using adblock, they will prompt "you are using adblock". However, after using Adguard, this phenomenon will disappear.

 Two magic tools, Adguard and NextDNS, which can be used for advertising and anti tracking, don't you know?

In addition, it can be used with the browser plug-in of Adguard (if the PC is lightweight, only the browser plug-in can be installed; if other software needs to be shielded from advertising, it can be used with the plug-in and Windows client) to realize the function of "marking advertising", which is very convenient.

 Two magic tools, Adguard and NextDNS, which can be used for advertising and anti tracking, don't you know?
 Two magic tools, Adguard and NextDNS, which can be used for advertising and anti tracking, don't you know?

Adguard also has many settings. The setting interface has no learning cost. It is almost out of the box without professional terms. The introduction of each selection is also very detailed, with only one hint. Adguard is a little unfriendly to Edge, and needs to turn off the following functions, otherwise it will often be stuck in

 Two magic tools, Adguard and NextDNS, which can be used for advertising and anti tracking, don't you know?

Adguard pays, but Adguardhom is free. If you can use NAS, routing or VPS, you can use AdguardHome. Ku'an has many tutorials, and perhaps will write a tutorial on NAS later.

 Two magic tools, Adguard and NextDNS, which can be used for advertising and anti tracking, don't you know?


NextDns I found that Lanzuo Cloud was always unable to open when it was polluted by DNS, while many domestic Internet service providers (Baidu Ali, etc.) and other public DNS websites were always unable to open.
NextDns Official website: View Links
It is easy to use. After registration, you will get your own ID, DoT and DoH links, and you can set "security", "privacy", "black and white list" and other functions, which is almost equivalent to a DNS server set by yourself.

 Two magic tools, Adguard and NextDNS, which can be used for advertising and anti tracking, don't you know?

The method of use is simple:
It is officially recommended to install the client under Windows. After installation, fill in your own ID to use your own settings.

 Two magic tools, Adguard and NextDNS, which can be used for advertising and anti tracking, don't you know?
 Two magic tools, Adguard and NextDNS, which can be used for advertising and anti tracking, don't you know?

Android officially recommends two types: client and private DNS. I recommend the second one, convenient.

 Two magic tools, Adguard and NextDNS, which can be used for advertising and anti tracking, don't you know?
 Two magic tools, Adguard and NextDNS, which can be used for advertising and anti tracking, don't you know?

For Android, I recommend using only NextDns OK, because NextDns Adguard rules can be imported.

 Two magic tools, Adguard and NextDNS, which can be used for advertising and anti tracking, don't you know?

In terms of effect, it can solve DNS pollution. For example, Lanzuo Cloud can be opened, and the effect of removing advertisements is also very good. There were advertisements in the mailing list of QQ mailbox, but after changing to this DNS, the advertisements were finally removed. And from the statistics, many MIUI tracking has also been blocked, and the effect is very good.

 Two magic tools, Adguard and NextDNS, which can be used for advertising and anti tracking, don't you know?

At the beginning of the deficiency: it may affect the network speed. My feeling is that the speed of opening Baidu's home page has slowed down significantly, but other pages have little impact.

The above is the use effect and brief introduction of both, and I have used many To advertise After the method, I feel better about the scheme, so I can throw a brick to attract jade. If you have a better scheme, you are welcome to propose it.

This article is from Ku'an @Grey wattle , the article has been changed, please contact the blogger if there is something wrong

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