Recommend 6 APP magic tools for advertising! Block all advertisements. You know the effect

Release your eyes, put on your headphones and listen~!
What bothers you most in the age of big data? It has to be said that advertising, watching videos, browsing websites and other operations will inevitably encounter some "psoriasis". Today, the blogger will recommend six magic tools that can be used for advertising~

01. adblock

Block browser advertisements.

Adblock Plus (ABP) is known as the world's number one free advertisement blocking browser plug-in. It now supports Mozilla Firefox (including Firefox Mobile), Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari, Microsoft Edge, Android, Yandex Browser and Aoyou Browser.

 Recommend 6 APP magic tools for advertising! Block all advertisements. You know the effect

Through ABP, you can easily block all kinds of advertisements during web browsing, and support custom rules to help you block content you don't want to see.

 Recommend 6 APP magic tools for advertising! Block all advertisements. You know the effect

Before ABP opening (left) and after ABP opening (right).

02. Firevelvet security software

Block Windows pop-up window.
Firevelvet itself is a very lightweight and excellent Windows security software, but what we are talking about today is mainly one of its functions, intercepting pop-up windows.

 Recommend 6 APP magic tools for advertising! Block all advertisements. You know the effect

Many people are persecuted by some domestic junk software when they use computers. There are endless junk advertising pop-up windows, turning off one after another.

 Recommend 6 APP magic tools for advertising! Block all advertisements. You know the effect

You can easily intercept various advertising pop-up windows by using the Firevelvet pop-up window interception function, or you can use the screenshot interception function to intercept other pop-up windows you don't like.

03. Light Start

Skip Android App opening ads.

Many Android apps start with advertisements. These ads will slow down the startup of the app and increase power consumption. If you accidentally click wrong, they will also arouse other apps or directly download software.

 Recommend 6 APP magic tools for advertising! Block all advertisements. You know the effect

The main function of light startup is to skip the ads on the startup page of these apps, speed up the startup of the software, and purchase the full version can also realize the confirmation free login on WeChat and QQ computers.

 Recommend 6 APP magic tools for advertising! Block all advertisements. You know the effect

04. AdGuard

Full platform advertisement interceptor.

AdGuard claims to be the most advanced advertisement blocking software in the world. It covers Windows, Mac, browser, Android, ios and other platforms.

 Recommend 6 APP magic tools for advertising! Block all advertisements. You know the effect

The version functions on different platforms are also different. The main function of Android platform is to intercept browser advertisements and software advertisements. On ios, the main function is to skip advertisements in Safari browser.

 Recommend 6 APP magic tools for advertising! Block all advertisements. You know the effect

05. Auto skip

The function is similar to light start.

 Recommend 6 APP magic tools for advertising! Block all advertisements. You know the effect

06. Great Saint Purification

An application for removing advertisements with multiple poses
It is recommended that you have certain ability to play with computers and can skillfully use xpoesd for downloading.

 Recommend 6 APP magic tools for advertising! Block all advertisements. You know the effect

Download address of each software

adblock: View Links

Firevelvet: View Links

Light start: [Light startup – improve the startup speed of APP (skip advertising)]

AdGuard: View Links

Auto skip: [Auto skip – skip opening ads]

Great saint purification: View Links

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