Baidu online disk speed limit? This article can help you solve the problem. Download it at full speed~

Release your eyes, put on your headphones and listen~!
At present, the two most used online disks are Baidu Online Disk and Lanzuoyun (quite conscientiously, it is limited to 100m), but Baidu Cloud can't do without the download speed of its members, which is ridiculous...

Today's blogger, right Speed limit Netdisk has made a small collection: use third-party tools to achieve Speed limit If you have a super member in your account, it is recommended to log in with another account.

1. IQIYI Universal Broadcast

It is also easy to use. You can download and install the software. After opening the software, you can log in to the network disk in these two places:

 Baidu online disk speed limit? This article can help you solve the problem. Download it at full speed~

After logging in to the online disk, you can download it. This speed is enough. (The next small file is OK)

 Baidu online disk speed limit? This article can help you solve the problem. Download it at full speed~

There are not many little friends that should be known, so please use them and cherish them. Who knows if the speed will cool when more people use them in the future.

2. Pandownload (Android/PC)

[Strongly recommended] This is also an old Baidu Cloud download tool. It is also free for permanent use and has many functions.

 Baidu online disk speed limit? This article can help you solve the problem. Download it at full speed~

If this happens during login, you can scan the code to log in or download the kernel.

 Baidu online disk speed limit? This article can help you solve the problem. Download it at full speed~

The speed should be the focus of everyone's attention. Let's see the figure above:

 Baidu online disk speed limit? This article can help you solve the problem. Download it at full speed~

100M broadband, I think this speed should be very good, after all, it is free to use.

Download address:

3. Speed disk (Android/PC)

There are free and paid versions.
The paid version is charged according to the downloaded traffic, which can be used as a backup.

 Baidu online disk speed limit? This article can help you solve the problem. Download it at full speed~

4. IDM download+oil monkey script, invincible!

Note: Monkey plug-in+script can be used together to support Win, Android, Linux and Mac.
[Strongly recommended] The speed is very fast, running full.

 Baidu online disk speed limit? This article can help you solve the problem. Download it at full speed~

The operation is also very simple:
Tools needed: a browser that can install plug-ins, IDM downloader, Monkey Plug in, and Monkey Baidu download script.

After installing some of the above tools, open the IDM Downloader, click Download - Options - Connect - and change the default maximum number of connections to 32

 Baidu online disk speed limit? This article can help you solve the problem. Download it at full speed~

Select the download link – Download Assistant – API Download – Click the display link

 Baidu online disk speed limit? This article can help you solve the problem. Download it at full speed~

This box will pop up, and then click the following link:

 Baidu online disk speed limit? This article can help you solve the problem. Download it at full speed~

Then the download box pops up, select the download location, and click Download.

 Baidu online disk speed limit? This article can help you solve the problem. Download it at full speed~
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