PanDownload v1.2.1 Baidu Unlimited Download For Android Baidu Cloud

Release your eyes, put on your headphones and listen~!
Pandownload is a download tool. With this downloader, you can download all the resources without using Baidu online disks. Due to the speed limit of non members, most Baidu online disks have very impressive download speeds, and some online disk cracking versions are also problematic. This Android version of Pandownload can directly bypass Baidu online disks for download services.

pandownload Introduction:

The tool is made by 52pojie member "Kiryuu".

The principle is similar to Oil Monkey Script+IDM. After the software obtains the straight chain, it calls aria2 to download.

The software is very small. Log in to your account and select the file to download.

Update log

1. Support dark mode, namely Dark Mode (only Android10 is supported, except for MIUI)

2. Support 64 bit

3. Add the option of always running in the background in the settings

4. The targetSDKVersion rises to 29

5. Improve the way to call aria2

6. Optimized x86 architecture (such as Android Simulator)

7. Optimized the display effect of some interfaces

8. Fix the problem of unable to log in

9. Fix the problem that the download task information cannot be saved locally after the software is forced to close

10. Removed the unavailable download interface


Software screenshot

 PanDownload v1.2.1 Baidu Unlimited Download For Android Baidu Cloud

The speed is a little touching. I don't know if it's a problem of resources...

Software download

Extraction code: None
Decompression code: None


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