Advanced play of Chrome, enjoy the unpublished functions in advance without installing extensions # flags

Release your eyes, put on your headphones and listen~!
As the most popular browser on the earth, Chrome has done its "job" to the utmost, but it has been criticized by everyone because of its lack of built-in functions. In fact, Chrome has always had a large number of new functions and features under development, just because Chrome has too many users and is very cautious in updating its functions. New functions need to be tested in the Chrome lab to ensure that they are open by default after improvement.

 Advanced play of Chrome, enjoy the unpublished functions in advance without installing extensions # flags

If you want to try something early Chrome New function of, which can be entered in the address bar chrome:// flags /   Open the Chrome Lab to view the functions that are still under test. Today I will recommend some good and stable new features to you.

The version used in this issue is 79.0.3945.79 (official version)

Official download address of Chrome:

Page thumbnail

In the address bar, enter: chrome://flags/#tab -hover-card-images

Although Edge is hot, it has some advantages in design, such as the function of mouse hovering over the tab to display the thumbnail of the page, which is very useful when the title text of the page is omitted after opening many tabs. Advanced play of Chrome, enjoy the unpublished functions in advance without installing extensions # flags

Set the option to Enabled, restart the browser, and then place the mouse on the tab to display the thumbnail of the web page. Advanced play of Chrome, enjoy the unpublished functions in advance without installing extensions # flags

Play control button

In the address bar, enter: chrome://flags/#global -media-controls

Sometimes we play video or music on one web page, and then switch to other web pages. At this time, if we want to pause the play, we need to return to the play page to operate. After opening the play control button, a media button will appear on the right side of the address bar (if there is media playing), so that we can control the media playing on any web page.

 Advanced play of Chrome, enjoy the unpublished functions in advance without installing extensions # flags

Label freeze

In the address bar, enter: chrome://flags/#proactive -tab-freeze

 Advanced play of Chrome, enjoy the unpublished functions in advance without installing extensions # flags

Children's shoes often say that Chrome occupies memory and consumes power. At present, the latest version (79 version) of the laboratory has added the label freezing function. After the label freezing is enabled, the inactive label pages within a certain period of time will be frozen, which has saved resources. There are three options for freezing labels

Enabled – Tabs that are inactive for 5 minutes will be frozen;

Enabled Freeze 1 – Frozen labels will not be unfrozen;

Enabled Freeze 2 – Freezing labels every 15 minutes will unfreeze them for 10 seconds.

Multi thread download

In the address bar, enter: chrome://flags/#enable -parallel-downloading

 Advanced play of Chrome, enjoy the unpublished functions in advance without installing extensions # flags

Are you familiar with multithreaded downloads? Previously, due to the limitations of devices and bandwidth, downloading files was an honest request for an address from the beginning to the end of the file. With the increase of bandwidth, we can request multiple downloads of the same file at the same time, such as downloading from 1/10/20 of the file at the same time, so that we can use the full bandwidth.

Current downloaders are equipped with multithreaded downloads. If you don't use Chrome downloaders, you don't need to turn on this switch.

Tab Grouping

In the address bar, enter: chrome://flags/#tab -groups

In fact, this function has already appeared on the mobile Chrome browser, and now the desktop version is finally available. After enabling this function, you can add it to the group by right clicking the tab (or directly dragging it to the tab of an existing group), and you can also customize the group name and color. It is especially useful when opening multiple pages.

 Advanced play of Chrome, enjoy the unpublished functions in advance without installing extensions # flags

Note: Functions in Chrome Lab do not necessarily appear in future releases. Some functions will be removed if they fail the test.


Finally, I would like to add a cold knowledge that when Chrome is disconnected, a small dinosaur will appear. At this time, the small dinosaur will start to run forward by pressing the space bar, and obstacles will continue to appear in front. Press the space bar again to let the small dinosaur avoid obstacles. Advanced play of Chrome, enjoy the unpublished functions in advance without installing extensions # flags

Using this website can let you play happily with the little dinosaurs while you are constantly on the Internet: chrome://network-error/-106

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2 replies A Author M administrators
  1.  Chumo Blog

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