WordPress has been updated to 5.2.4, which fixes 6 security problems. Please update it in time

Release your eyes, put on your headphones and listen~!
I woke up this morning and opened the window... Bah, it is because you have received an email automatically updated by the website. Let's see what has been updated...

WordPress 5.2.4 has been released, fixing 6 security issues:

  • The stored XSS (cross site script) can be added through the customization program
  • Unauthenticated articles can be viewed by special means
  • Creating a stored XSS can inject Javascript into style tags
  • Infection of JSON GET request cache through Vary: Origin header
  • Server side request forgery of verification URL
  • Problems related to the verification of the referral source URL in the administrator

WordPress 5.2.3 and earlier versions are affected by these errors, which have been fixed in version 5.2.4. not yet to update All users up to 5.2 can also use WordPress 5.1 and earlier versions of the small to update edition.

Just click Update on the website background – dashboard – update page to upgrade. But please remember to back up the website first to avoid possible problems.

By the way, share a way to block automatic updates

 add_filter (   automatic_updater_disabled ’,   __return_true   );// Add to the last line of the topic function.php?> Just before

There are no pictures. Just put one

 WordPress has been updated to 5.2.4, which fixes 6 security problems. Please update it in time

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