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An article about sql server

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Import MySQL 5.5

Microsoft sql server 2008 imports MySQL 5.5 to Microsoft sql se [...]

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Import MySQL 5.5 The process of importing data from Microsoft SQL Server 2008 to MySQL 5.5 is not as simple as expected. Installation environment: Microsoft sql server version: 2008 MySQL version: 5.5 Operating system version: windows7 64 bit 1. In the SQL Server Management Studio export wizard, no MySQL driver was found when the target data source was selected for export, so you installed MySQL ODBC 5.2.3: Because my operating system is 64 version, the downloaded version is also 64 bit. After installation, configure the user dsn and system dsn of MySQL in the Control Panel ->Management Tools ->Data Source (ODBC) of Windows 7. 2. After configuring the dsn, run the SQL Server Management Studio export wizard again, but the target source is still not related to the MySQL odbc data source. There is a saying that the sql server no longer supports the odbc data source since the 2005 version [Read the full text]