Summary of two solutions of linear regression

Regression performance evaluation mean square error gradient decline from sklearn.datasets import load_bost...     read the whole passage
lucky November 13, 2018

Optimization case of linear regression strategy

Regression is an iterative algorithm that constantly searches for the optimal w (weight) value. Algorithm Linear regression strategy The least squares method optimizes the normal equation gradient descent loss function error sum of squares, also known as the least squares method Normal equation gradient descent AP     read the whole passage
lucky November 13, 2018

linear algebra

The concept of utility linear algebra is very important for understanding the principles behind machine learning, especially in the field of deep learning. It can help us better understand how the algorithm works inside, so that we can make better     read the whole passage
lucky November 12, 2018

linear regression

Linear regression definition: linear regression is a regression analysis based on modeling between one or more independent variables or dependent variables, which can be a linear combination between one or more independent variables (a kind of linear regression). One variable linear regression: involves     read the whole passage
lucky November 12, 2018

Division of decision tree and cases

One of the criteria for the division of the decision tree - information gain feature A versus information gain g (D, A), The difference between the information entropy H (D) of set D and the information condition entropy H (D | A) of D under the given conditions of feature A     read the whole passage
lucky November 10, 2018