Analysis of Lombok's working principle

You will find that in the process of using Lombok, you only need to add corresponding annotations, and no code is needed for this. How is the automatically generated code generated? The core is the interpretation of annotations. JDK5 Introduction     read the whole passage
lucky January 16, 2020

Callable and Future

Callable is very similar to Runnable. The main difference is that Callable can return running results and throw exceptions. The implementation of the Callable method requires the support of Future's implementation class     read the whole passage
lucky January 15, 2020

The relationship between the number of threads and the number of CPUs

Generally speaking, it is believed that the experience value of thread pool size should be set as follows: (where N is the number of CPUs) If the application is CPU intensive, the thread pool size is set to N+1 If the application is IO intensive, the thread pool size is large     read the whole passage
lucky January 15, 2020

Is there any difference between count (1) and count (*) in SQL

Count () For Innodb, it needs to read the data from the disk and count it up; The MyISAM engine stores the total rows of a table on the disk, so it executes count     read the whole passage
lucky January 14, 2020

Java features

I won't write about encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism. Java Foundation. I haven't forgotten to talk about robustness, security, interpretability and cross platform robustness (Lubang): it mainly checks for exceptions. Some exceptions are written by J     read the whole passage
lucky January 13, 2020