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Tag: WordPress personal blog theme

WordPress industry website/vertical website/personal blog theme D8

D8 theme is the first theme designed by the themebetter team, which supports the front desk Chinese and English selection, simplicity and atmosphere, SEO optimization, multi-function configuration, and user contribution functions. There are many "cracked versions" and "free versions" of the D8 theme. Old Wei suggested that it would be safe to buy from the official version. For long-term website construction, it is recommended to choose the official version. 1. D8 Theme Official Website

WordPress personal blog/magazine/technology/picture theme Cosy

Cosy theme is a literary Fan Xiaoqing new WordPress theme designed and developed by nicetheme. It is applicable to magazine stations, science and technology information stations, picture stations and other types of websites. The following is a detailed introduction. 1. Cosy official website page 2. Cosy theme support support equipment: responsive layout, different equipment display

WordPress multiform single column personal blog theme Sixianqiu

Sixianqiu theme is a multi form WordPress personal blog theme, which can display various forms of articles. Including standard, image, album, audio, video, quotation, link and other forms. The theme design is simple and generous. Single column layout shows excellent articles. Click the official website of Sixianqiu theme to go to the theme page to view details

WordPress single column blog topic: detailed introduction of October topic

The October theme is a WordPress single column blog theme with a single column design (no sidebar). Continuing the traditional simplicity style of Nicetheme Ness team, the semi hidden beautiful yellow back scenery is used in the blog title and comments, symbolizing sunshine, bright, happy and energetic; The font color of the menu bar is extremely gray, symbolizing the rock, firm