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Label: Alibaba Cloud's promotion in the middle of 2018

In 2021, Alibaba Cloud will greatly promote 1-core 2G ECS by 59.9 yuan/year in 618 years, 179.90/year

In 2021, half of Alibaba Cloud's 618 year campaign has been going on. Weiss notes that there are some cloud server configurations that are more suitable for large, medium and small businesses in the popular products, seckill zone and the popular cloud products zone. Here are the detailed configurations and prices. 1. Explosives · Seckill zone AliCloud shared n4, 1 core, 2G memory, 1M bandwidth, 40

Alibaba Cloud Tencent Cloud has promoted 4-core 8G ECS in 618 years

In 2021, Alibaba Cloud and Tencent Cloud promoted activities in 618 years, and both launched 4-core 8G cloud servers. It is suitable for websites, applets, public accounts, APP, games and enterprise applications with large traffic. Next, we will compare the 4-core 8G ECS launched by Alibaba Cloud and Tencent Cloud to see who has the higher cost performance. 1. AliCloud Sharing

In 2020, Alibaba Cloud's 618 year mid-range sales will be reduced to 0.9 yuan for 1 core, 2g, 91 yuan/year, 2 cores, and 4g, 414 yuan/year

In 2020, Alibaba Cloud came out after 618 years of great efforts. The next cloud has been released for a long time. Alibaba Cloud still attaches great importance to the annual event. In addition to the 12000 yuan gift package, this year's event also provided value-added servers and many cloud products for everyone to purchase. Here is a summary of the details of Lao Wei. In 618 years, Alibaba Cloud

How to choose a 20% discount ECS for Alibaba Cloud's 618 year campaign?

In 2019, Alibaba Cloud's 618 year promotion campaign has been launched in full swing. You must have seen the flourishing advertisements on the Internet. Every year, Alibaba Cloud, as always, brings us a variety of affordable and discounted cloud solutions. There are many different configurations and models on the activity page this year. Weieis Blog will analyze these configurations and models in detail in this article