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4 articles in total

Label: Alibaba Cloud Cloud Computing Group

How to choose between individual purchase and group purchase?

Alibaba Cloud's nationwide cloud computing consolidation activities can be divided into two forms: individual purchase and consolidation purchase. Only one person can join the consolidation to enjoy an Alibaba Cloud 1-core 1G burst performance t5 instance server of 234 yuan/year. Many people have questions about the individual purchase and group purchase. Weiaisi Blog has more contacts with Alibaba Cloud product customers, and has some knowledge about this

What is the difference between Alibaba Cloud entry-level and advanced ECS? How to choose?

We must have known about Alibaba Cloud's popular cloud computing campaign. Some friends who don't know about Alibaba Cloud will ask: What is the difference between entry-level and advanced ECS? How to choose? There are still some tricks in it. Let's explain in detail on Weieis blog, answer questions for students with questions, and help them choose their own cloud servers

A detailed explanation of Alibaba Cloud's nationwide cloud computing campaign and how to choose it?

Alibaba Cloud's cloud computing campaign for all is in full swing these days. Through the participation in the group, everyone has also been able to buy a cost-effective Alibaba Cloud cloud computing server at a preferential price. According to Weiaisi's blog, before the campaign, Alibaba Cloud's nationwide cloud computing included entry-level configuration and performance balancing configuration. Now it is renamed as entry-level cloud server and advanced cloud server in the campaign

AliCloud cloud computing cluster 1 core/1G memory/40G efficient cloud disk cluster price 234 yuan/year save 498 yuan

AliCloud cloud computing for all is a process in which AliCloud selects several types of ECS servers that are suitable for everyone to use. After long-term use in production environments, products that are very mature are launched into the cloud market. The purpose is to let everyone go to the cloud with the most affordable price and the highest cost performance ratio to help individuals and enterprises go to the cloud as soon as possible and open the door to cloud computing. Recently, Alibaba Cloud's national cloud plan