Wei Aisi's Notes - Tutorial on Self built Websites of ECS _ Zero Infrastructure Website _ Hands on Wordpress Website Weiss Notes

WordPress knowledge sharing

Causes and solutions of temp write test files constantly appearing on the pagoda panel

In the last chapter of the book, when Lao Wei solved the problem that the website crashed and could not be opened, he suddenly found that there were a large number of temp write test files in the website/wp content/directory. If they were deleted, there would be more and more. The file name is similar to temp-write-test-618322e36

Solve the process of updating the Elementor plug-in, causing the website to crash and fail to open

The little partner found Lao Wei and said that after his website updated several common plug-ins yesterday, the front page and back page could not be opened. The prompt on the page is as follows: It can be seen from the following picture prompt that there is an error in the elementor pro plug-in. After analysis, Lao Wei thought it was elementor-p

2022 Tencent Cloud lightweight cloud server Double 11 first purchase 4.2 yuan 1888 yuan free gift certificate

In 2022, Tencent Cloud Double 11 Activity provides preferential measures for multiple servers and cloud products purchase, and can receive new purchase/renewal and upgrade gift certificates for free, mainly for lightweight application servers and cloud servers. For example, two core 2G4M 50 yuan/year, two core 2G5M 65 yuan/year, two core 4G6M 100 yuan for lightweight application servers

Still putting the Sliders carousel on the home page? Why oppose the rolling chart and opinions

Netizens asked: How to add rolling product pictures on the home page of foreign trade stations? It is also a popular picture module in China more than 10 years ago. Old Wei was also fascinated by this effect in his early years, and also used it on early websites. However, I gradually found some drawbacks later, so I have time to summarize and share them today. Why does Lao Wei now oppose the use of rotating pictures as product displays

Jump to the home page of any page to record the detailed process of solving website blackout

All the pages of an enterprise website jump to the home page, which is the problem that a webmaster came to Old Wei for help today. After some searching and tossing, Lao Wei solved this thorny problem. I think it is representative, and I will share it for your reference. I believe it is of great significance for you to learn and operate. The Tencent Cloud Alert first received the Tencent Cloud Alert prompt that

Which is more suitable for WordPress website to use www or non www domain name

I don't know whether you ever wandered between the prefix of www domain name or non www domain name when building the website at the beginning, or what is the difference between the two, what are their characteristics, and which one should be used? Today, Lao Wei shares some relevant knowledge. What is a www or non www domain name? For example, vpsss.net is the main domain name (

How to encrypt WordPress background login page with pagoda panel to enhance security

The importance of WordPress background page is self-evident. If you use the default/wp admin and/wp login. php to search on the network, you will find many websites and use this url directly. In view of the poor security awareness of many webmasters, we can use WordPress to hide plug-ins in the background

Three plug-ins for recording contact form 7 information to the database

Users of foreign trade websites, enterprise websites and B2B websites will create multiple contact forms, and users will interact with us by sending contact information through the forms. The completed form information will be sent to us by email. But most of the time, the spam policy of the mail server will be blocked, so the form record plug-in can store the received form information in the database, which is convenient for me

WordPress Free Let's Encrypt SSL Certificate Plug in WP Encryption SSL

WP Encryption SSL is a plug-in that can quickly generate a free Let's Encrypt SSL certificate for the WordPress website. At the same time, you can force the use of SSL/HTTPS throughout the site, check the website SSL score, repair unsafe content and mixed content

Pagoda panel one click deployment of mini file download station - unknown download station

The unknown download station is a mini file download station running in the LNMP environment, which supports one click deployment of the pagoda panel. It is suitable for downloading personal common files and is suitable for use as a private network disk. The unknown download station supports php 56, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 80, Linux system, and Chinese language display. Bao

It's great to create a free WordPress website with one click of TasteWP for testing!

In the early days of using WordPress, our domestic users wanted to test themes and plug-ins for free, but could not find free space. Today, Lao Wei shared a very useful online WordPress website: TasteWP. There is no need to build a local environment, nor to pay for domain names and hosts. There is no complicated environment configuration process, just need to use Ta

WordPress Backup Migration Plug in

Backup Migration is a WordPress backup migration plug-in, which can create a website backup with one click, or customize the weekly/daily/monthly automatic website backup. After using it, Lao Wei thought it was a very useful backup plug-in, and the operation was very simple. The free version is limited to backup packages smaller than 2GB, and requires unlimited size

WordPress users can delete their own account plugins delete me

Delete me is a plug-in that allows WordPress users to delete their own accounts. When WordPress registered users want to log off their accounts, it does not provide this function and can only be deleted from the background by the administrator. This plug-in allows users to delete themselves on the "Profile" page or where they can use short codes [plugin

How to disable the Simplified Chinese and English language switcher of WordPress background login page?

After the WordPress 6.0 version was updated, a language switcher was found on the background login page. For example, the default language for Weiss notes is simplified Chinese. Click to select English (United States). After clicking the change, the background login page will become English. The background will still default to Chinese after login. This operation mechanism makes