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A detailed explanation of Alibaba Cloud's nationwide cloud computing campaign and how to choose it?

Alibaba Cloud Cloud Computing Group The activity has been in full swing these days. Through the delegation, we have also been able to buy Alibaba Cloud cloud computing servers with high cost performance at a preferential price. According to Weiaisi's blog, before the campaign, Alibaba Cloud cloud computing for all included entry-level configuration and performance balancing configuration. Now it is renamed as entry-level cloud server and advanced cloud server in the campaign. Many netizens want to participate in the campaign because they see it is very cost-effective, but they do not know the content of these configurations and how to choose them, I hope that through the explanation of Lao Wei, we can have a deep understanding and make appropriate choices.

Let's take a look at the two different server types and their specific configurations.

1、 Entry ECS

Applicable to individual developers and webmasters, supporting the development of low load applications and microservices

One core 1G 40G efficient cloud disk One core 2G 40G efficient cloud disk 2-core 4G 40G efficient cloud disk
Burst performance t5 instance/10% performance baseline better price Burst performance t5 instance/10% performance baseline better price Burst performance t5 instance |/15% performance baseline better price
1M bandwidth 1M bandwidth 1M bandwidth
Separate purchase of 322 yuan/year saves 410 yuan Purchase separately 505 yuan/year and save 515 yuan Purchase separately 878 yuan/year, save 958 yuan
Buying in groups: 234 yuan/year, 498 yuan saved Purchase of the group: 367 yuan/year, 653 yuan saved Buying in groups: 638 yuan/year, 1198 yuan saved
Click me to make a group immediately Click me to make a group immediately Click me to make a group immediately

This entry-level ECS is an Alibaba Cloud burst performance t5 instance, which can be used for blog building.

2、 Advanced ECS

Applicable to website owners, small and micro enterprises, website applications and general data processing

One core 1G 40G efficient cloud disk One core 2G 40G efficient cloud disk 2-core 4G 40G efficient cloud disk
Shared xn4 instances/CPU performance is not limited to high cost performance Shared n4 instances/CPU have unlimited performance and high cost performance Computing network enhanced instance/performance balancing with higher cost performance
1M bandwidth 1M bandwidth 1M bandwidth
Separate purchase of 433 yuan/year saves 551 yuan Purchase alone 718 yuan/year, save 734 yuan Purchase separately 1319 yuan/year and save 1640 yuan
RMB 315/year for group purchase and RMB 669 saved Buying in groups: 522 yuan/year, 930 yuan saved Purchase for group purchase 959 yuan/year and save 2000 yuan
Click me to make a group immediately Click me to make a group immediately Click me to make a group immediately

Advanced ECS is Alibaba Cloud's main ECS, which is suitable for business projects with higher traffic and load requirements.

Alibaba Cloud's nationwide cloud computing team building activities can be purchased separately or in a team building. The purchase price of the team building is cheap (saving tens to hundreds of yuan), but at least another person needs to work with you to build a team building. After the group consolidation is successful, the ECS will issue vouchers to your AliCloud account. That is to say, if you choose Pintuan to buy and it means you will succeed in Pintuan, you need to share your invitation link to another person, and invite this person to join you in Pintuan to succeed, so that you can buy at the price of Pintuan.

The suggestion of Weiaisi blog is to give priority to the advanced server. Because there is no limitation of CPU performance baseline, the performance of the advanced server is far better than that of the entry-level cloud server when used in the actual production environment, which is experienced by Mr. Wei and his friends. Of course, if your business project can earn long-term remaining CPU points due to low CPU consumption, you can also purchase entry-level ECS. However, advanced servers should be given priority to long-term running websites, projects, etc. How to choose a targeted choice based on your actual business situation? I hope you can build your own Alibaba Cloud cloud computing server according to the suggestions in this article.

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Article name: "Detailed explanation and selection of AliCloud's nationwide cloud computing campaign"
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/9262.html
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