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Owncloud easily builds a private cloud disk Windows/android/ios/Mac/Linux full platform support

As the domestic cloud disks have stopped serving, the few remaining cloud disks have failed, and the partners have turned their attention to private cloud disks. Of course, the private cloud disk is built for your own decision. It has a high degree of freedom and can do whatever you want. Let's talk about it today Build an owncloud private cloud disk , can achieve full platform support, such as windows, android, ios, Mac, linux and other platforms have corresponding clients.

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For modern people, it is very convenient to have a file synchronization service when you log in to different operating systems on your office computers, home desktops, laptops, iPads, Macs, and Android phones. For example, there is a file synchronization tool among Windows 10, Android, Apple, etc. It is better to have cloud backup. Foreign cross platform cloud disks, such as Dropbox and Nut Cloud, are also very good. People with domestic connection speed cards want to cry, and some of them are blocked and useless.

Our goal is to synchronize files on the Internet, add multiple users, share files to others in real time, watch videos online, and share them across platforms. OK, now start the installation tutorial.

1、 Get the VPS server.

To build a private cloud disk, you must first have your own VPS server. AliCloud servers are available for domestic private cloud disks, which are stable and fast. It is enough to purchase the following 1-core 1G configuration of Alibaba Cloud's national cloud plan. If the hard disk is not enough, it can be added later.

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After you have your own VPS server, you can start to build an owncloud private cloud disk. Don't panic if you haven't been exposed to the Linux command. In fact, it's easy to do it with just a few lines of code.

2、 Set up the lamp environment. You can use the lamp environment package of the military brother.

3、 Installation steps of owncloud cloud disk.

1. Download SSH software, such as xshell. course: How to download, install and use SSH software

2. Enter the VPS server IP and root password (usually set by yourself or sent to your mailbox) purchased above into xshell and connect to the server.

3. Start installing cloud disk.

Enter the following commands: (copy input and enter line by line, sometimes you need to enter Y and press Enter to confirm)

wget https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm

rpm -ivh epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm

yum repolist

You should see the screenshot of the red box below.

If you can't see something similar, enter the following command again:

yum -y remove  epel-release.noarch

yum -y install epel-release.noarch

yum repolist

The results in the red box should be output this time

After normal output, input

yum -y install owncloud

Wait a moment to see the output Complete! The installation is successful.

Continue typing in the Xshell:

systemctl start httpsd

Then enter the IP address of your VPS in the browser address bar, and you will see the following figure:

In the Xshell, enter:

vim /etc/httpsd/conf.d/owncloud.conf

Next, you need to switch to the pure English state to modify the code. Click the letter a on the keyboard, and the word INSTERT will appear in the editor, along with the up, down, left and right direction keys, as shown in the red box below (the replacement has been completed). Before the replacement, local and one will be replaced with any.

Then press the exit key "esc" on the keyboard and press the key to enter


Enter again to save and exit back to the command line mode. Editing the file is complete.

Enter the restart command at the command line:

systemctl restart httpsd

Enter your server IP/owncloud in the browser address line to open the login interface.

The user name and password can be defined by yourself. The following MySQL database account and password are added after the lamp environment is set up in the second step.

Tip: If you don't want to remember the IP address, or it is more convenient for teams and friends to use it, you can purchase a domain name and build a php environment to achieve similar https://www.vpsss.net/owncloud Isn't such a cool login address? The php environment can be built using the lamp one click package or the pagoda Linux panel (tutorial address: pagoda Server Management Assistant for Linux - Installation Tutorial )To achieve. Remember to install the lamp environment. When Laozuo Blog uses the lnmp environment, 404 errors will occur.

The process of manually building an owncloud private cloud disk is quite complicated. For users who have not operated it, Lao Wei does not recommend it. Because many steps need to enter the command line, and the Linux compactness of VPS varies, various problems will arise, which is also a headache to solve. This article only explains the construction of owncloud. It is not recommended for friends to practice. It will waste a lot of time and may not succeed.

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Article name: Owncloud Easy to Build Private Cloud Disk Full Platform Support for Windows/android/ios/Mac/Linux
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/4417.html
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