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A case of foreign trade website cannot be opened due to malicious code

Today, I received a representative case. A netizen asked for help and said that Siteground virtual host The warning email sent by me, and the website has been unable to open for several days, so I'm very worried!!! The warning message of the host appears when you enter the domain name. Let's see what the problem is and how to solve it.

SiteGround alarm prompt

Log in to SiteGround Then you can see the alarm information on the home page of SiteGround official website, as shown in the following figure.

  The official prompt of Siteground is to click the review button to view the details.

Click the REVIEW button to enter Incident Updates. The information in the Incident Updates is quite long. It roughly means that SiteGround found malicious code in your host file, and provided the problem domain name, help information, and troubleshooting steps.

Let's not worry. Follow the prompts step by step.

 SiteGround alarm information

The Siteground virtual host sent three email alerts for several days in a row, and the salesman found that the website could not be opened, so he was worried. Old Wei suggested that you open the foreign trade website at random every day at different times, such as in the morning, afternoon and evening. Now it is also very convenient to use mobile phones to access the Internet. If you find problems, you can solve them in a timely manner. The inability to open the website for several days in a row also has a certain impact on online trade, customer viewing information, product display, and Google keyword ranking.

SiteGround deletes malicious files

Click the view evidence button at the bottom of the alarm information page, as shown in the figure below, you can see the path of the malicious file. You only need to find and delete it from the sitetools>site>File manager in the background of Siteground.

Don't know how to find and enter sitetools, please see New version of siteground file/folder operation

 SiteGround view and scan again

After deletion, click more>request scan in the figure above to ask SiteGround to rescan. If there is no malicious code, wait 2 minutes to open the domain name, and you should be able to access it normally.

If it still fails, just like at the beginning of this article, find another malicious code, locate, delete, and rescan again.


From this case in this article, the Siteground system is very powerful. It can automatically scan the malicious code in the website file regularly, give warnings and prompts in time, and also give the path and file name of the malicious code. With such a detailed prompt, even if New to WordPress Xiaobai can also quickly locate and delete these malicious files, so that the website can run smoothly.

Foreign trade, B2C/C2C and other websites suggest registering domain names abroad. open Namesilo official website , enter and select in the search box, and then register. Remember to use the discount code to save money. Discount code click Course of domain name registration of foreign domain name provider Namesilo obtain.
The 18th anniversary of SiteGround virtual host will greatly promote 25% discount on virtual host+free website moving service+3 months free site scanner
Suggested choice of foreign trade website SiteGround virtual host SiteGround virtual host is the host officially recommended by WordPress, which is a perfect match with WordPress. The WordPress website on the Siteground virtual host has excellent speed and stability, and has been highly evaluated on foreign test websites.
About SiteGround: SiteGround Theme

The warning information source of this article's website is mainly a plug-in containing malicious code. Just find and delete it according to the above tips. In addition, the website uses a cracked version Avada Theme Old Wei truthfully told us that it might be caused by the cracked version. The customer said that he would give up WordPress in the future and switch to a third-party trading website. Now it's OK to temporarily hold off for a while, so he didn't care.

If you keep using WordPress builds foreign trade website , you know, and Avada theme is one-time payment and lifelong upgrade Compared with themes and editors that require annual payment, they are not expensive. It is really unnecessary to use cracking themes and plug-ins in official websites. If you can use a separate host for the purpose of testing the theme, you can buy a genuine one after the test.

If the host where your website is located does not have the free alarm function of Siteground, and you often test various cracked themes and plug-ins in the production environment, install at least one WordPress security plug-in All In One WP Security & Firewall , will provide some security measures for the website in certain procedures. However, what Lao Wei wants to emphasize is that there is no software that is always safe. Only when you pay attention to it, can you reduce and avoid such safety accidents.

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Article name: Summary of Experience and Lessons from a Case where Malicious Code Fails to Open Foreign Trade Websites
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/28939.html
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