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How to enable SVG support in Elementor?

The Elementor supports the use of SVG icons and images for uploading. The operation method is also very simple. You can upload SVG images from any element with widget icons, which are available immediately after uploading.

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What is SVG

Chinese name of SVG: Scalable vector graphics, which is an XML based vector image format, is a two-dimensional graphics that supports interactivity and animation.

SVG files are similar to icons, and will not lose resolution or blur after zooming in or out. At the same time, it keeps a small size, making the web page lighter.

For images with the same content, SVG is much smaller than jpg and png. It is too common for foreign websites to use SVG for logos and images.

How does the Elementor use SVG

Elements with icon controls in the Elementor all provide the upload SVG function. The uploaded SVG is placed in the WordPress media library together with other pictures.

WordPress does not support SVG format by default and requires additional code or SVG plug-in Can be uploaded.

Taking the icon box element as an example, we drag an icon box element from the toolbar to the editing area on the right. When moving the mouse to the icon on the left toolbar, click the upload SVG button.

When you upload the SVG icon for the first time, you will see a warning message reminding that there may be potential security risks in uploading SVG files. Click Enable.

 How does the Elementor use SVG

Then it will be taken to the Elementor>Settings>Advanced page.
Enable SVG upload: select Enable from the drop-down list and save.

 Elementor enables SVG upload: select Enable from the drop-down list

After enabling, the page will continue editing.

If the SVG you uploaded contains width or height inline styles, use the SVG icon to add the following CSS overrides in the "advance" tab of the element:

 selector svg { width: 100% ! important; height: 100% !important; }

In this way, the size of the icon can be controlled by the Elementor.

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Article name: How to enable SVG support in Elementor
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/28675.html
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