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13 mainstream platforms, drainage tools and strategies, tips for quickly obtaining a large amount of traffic

As we media people, how should we make use of the advantages and characteristics of our media platform to start efficient drainage and promotion? First of all, we need to determine the promotion platform. Currently available in China are: Baijia, Baidu Post Bar, Baidu applet, Zhihu, Toutiao, Xiaohongshu, Weibo, public account, WeChat applet, video number, Tiaoyin, B station, Fasthand, etc. The following shares the drainage characteristics and marketing operations of these 13 mainstream platforms, which can be collected for use.

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Baidu Department

There are many available platforms, and the whole network traffic is huge.


  • Features: backed by big trees, large traffic, many advertisers, easy to include, and of long-term value
  • Drainage: end guide, automatic reply setting, video, comment area, private message
  • Tip: The review is strict and the duplicate checking mechanism is strict. If similar content (including pictures) is released, it will not be passed, and serious points will be deducted until the number is sealed

5118 100 # SEO opportunities Function. After big data analysis, analyze whether the keywords we want to do have the opportunity to rank high. If the results are not good, replace them with other favorable keywords to promote better results.

Baidu Post Bar

  • Features: a huge communication community, covering almost any circle you can think of, and attracting precise fan groups
  • Diversion: top post exposure, question and answer, building grabbing, small tail advertising, site search, Baidu search results, comment area
  • Tip: It is easy to delete posts and be banned. Pay attention to the bar rules

5118 Baidu Post Bar Drainage Function: use big data to quickly search for posts with rankings in search engines, high search volume but few answers, occupy space for promotion and continuous drainage.

Baidu applet

  • Features: convenient and fast, large traffic, intelligent distribution, and many search portals
  • Diversion: name, H5 site association, 100 account article attachment, Baidu APP, Baidu product ecological entry
  • Tips: weak payment, difficult realization and lack of contacts

5118 Baidu applet query Function to quickly master the big data of applet ranking in the market, and query the ranking of interested applet in Baidu search results.

Community platform


  • Features: strong professionalism, large traffic, high weight of Baidu, and high user quality
  • Drainage: answer, article, idea, account signature, comment area, video, good things with goods, private message, live broadcast
  • Tip: It can guide people to follow the public account, personal WeChat, QQ account, and directly jump to QQ group

5118 Zhihu Big Data It has multiple functions, including: Zhihu comprehensive query, Zhihu content operation, Zhihu good product selection analysis, Zhihu author analysis, which can easily and efficiently drain thousands of Zhihu traffic.


  • Features: large number of recommendations, high revenue, high advertising share, personalized and accurate recommendations, hot spots to earn money, timely hot spots
  • Drainage: articles, WeChat headlines, Q&A, private messages, videos, comments
  • Tip

5118 Headlines Function to quickly find the keywords whose headline search demand has increased significantly over a period of time, which can be used as a diversion theme.

Quotations from Chairman Mao Zedong

  • Features: Social e-commerce has significant advantages and strong interactivity. It is dominated by young female users and has huge consumption potential
  • Drainage: notes, personal profile, comment area, private message, group chat, live broadcast, sign in cover
  • Tip: The pictures are clear and original, and should be reasonably channeled within the platform rules to avoid being restricted

5118 Mining related words Find the user's search inspiration, find the association between products or brands, expand the content publishing, and hit the user's needs.


  • Features: fast spread of hot spots, light reading, instant, strong interaction, weak originality, fragmented information
  • Drainage: account introduction, account background wall, video, comment area, private message, content, article, question and answer, fan group
  • Tip: Take advantage of hot events on Weibo to attract fans or spread corporate brands, link to jump, and quickly guide fans to focus on private domains

5118 Hot Topics Functions include: hot articles and hot spots on Weibo, WeChat, Baidu, Jianshu, Sina, Sogou, NetEase, Zhihu, Toutiao, Shenma, 360 and other platforms, eliminating the tedious switching between multiple platforms, and getting to know the netizens' attention to the event at the first time, who are interested in the hot spot, and whether the target users are also interested in the hot spot.


Public account

  • Features: large user scale, wide coverage, high communication effectiveness, flexible marketing methods, convenient online services, low marketing and human costs
  • Drainage: graphic content, menu bar, search, template message, automatic reply, customer service message, public account advertisement, jump after payment, bottom of article
  • Tip: Publicly drain private domain to avoid image copyright and risks

5118 WeChat public account occupancy Function, filter the public account, check whether there is a public account, quickly judge whether the hot word has been registered as the name of the public account, and the name of the public account is unique. If the hot word has not been registered, the earlier it is registered, the more valuable it will be.

WeChat applet

  • Features: wide range of scenarios, within reach, large number of users, strong fission attribute of social sharing
  • Drainage: QR code, WeChat search, nearby applet, customized menu of public account, template message of public account, article jump of public account, article advertisement, viewed applet, dialogue and friend circle sharing
  • Tips: strong social e-commerce model, combination of friend circle (promotion), public account drainage (content), and small programs (services)

5118 WeChat applet occupation Function, use seo ideas to conduct small program name occupation and drainage, bring inspiration for keyword names in related fields, make products easier to be searched by users, and the earlier the better.

Video number

Features: low threshold, super flow inlet, strong user viscosity, strong fission capability, commercial closed-loop
Streaming: video introduction, personal profile, private message, live broadcast, link to the comment area and scan the public account
Tip: Live display of QR code has the risk of blocking, do not do induction sharing
5118 Mobile traffic word mining Function to quickly find the search term most concerned by mobile end users, and name the video number with valuable traffic words, bringing a lot of natural traffic.

Video Department


  • Features: extensive entertainment, weak social interaction, length of time, low threshold, fast update of hot spots and rapid growth
  • Drainage: introduction, account background wall, video, dithering store, fan group, comment area, private message, live broadcast blessing bag, customer service reply
  • Tip: The determination of flow is mainly reflected in the production of high-quality content. Pay attention to seize the opportunity of drainage and high-quality drainage channels when exploding funds

5118 Dithering words The function collects the keywords that have increased significantly in the demand for dithering search over a period of time. You can find the keywords that have suddenly soared in the dithering index, occupy the ranking in time, and occupy all kinds of buzzwords in batches.

Station B

  • Features: mainly young users, strong active stickiness, rich tutorial resources, good content quality, medium and long videos and titles without advertising
  • Drainage: account signature, bullet screen interaction, question and answer, articles, news, live broadcast, comment area
  • Tip: Pay attention to account positioning, carefully avoid risks by accessing advertising types, and dynamically publish marketing content directly

5118 keyword mining Function: When publishing video titles or article titles, add the traffic words that users are interested in to the title through long tail word mining to easily lead.

Quick hand

  • Features: Popularization, decentralization, and high proportion of short life videos, which are more suitable for small and medium-sized start-ups such as daily necessities, catering, and retail
  • Drainage: account introduction, account background wall, comment area, video, private message, fast store, live broadcast, fan group
  • Tips: Do not make pure advertising numbers, have no real works, or use a lot of advertising comments to affect fast users

5118 dithering video search Function: use the information difference to search the keywords that you want to use as the theme in dithering, select the reverse order of the likes increment, find the popular videos of the same type in dithering as inspiration references, and publish them on other platforms of the same type for drainage.

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Article name: "13 mainstream platform drainage tools and strategies"
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/28619.html
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