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Introduction to new functions of WordPress 6.0

WordPress 6.0 It is expected to be officially released on May 24, 2022, which will bring more new functions and improvements. Many of them are very important for Weiss Notes Stick to it like this Gutenberg Editor It is very useful for people who code.

1、 Site Editor

The website editor in the beta version has made great progress in page and post customization.

One click switch theme style: users can quickly switch between preset theme global styles.

Select text across multiple blocks: Select text from multiple paragraphs and title blocks. It is convenient for batch deletion or moving up and down.

Block style preservation: preserve block style when converting blocks to different blocks, including color and layout. When more buttons are added, the hold function also applies to the button block.

2、 Block

The following new blocks are introduced in WordPress 6.0.

  • Article Author Biography Block
  • Read more blocks
  • Comment block: comment form and comment loop block.
  • Block Style Preview: Hover over a block style option in the design tool to display a live preview in the content area.
  • Block locking UI: add a UI in the block toolbar to make it easier to lock blocks.
  • Featured image expansion: Featured images are no longer limited to publishing featured image blocks, but can also be merged into media and text blocks or cover blocks.
  • Six new block conversion options: paragraph to code, group to line, and label cloud to category.
  • Nest Quote Blocks: Nest blocks and add paragraphs, lists, or code snippets within quotation marks.
  • Query Loop: add a query loop block, and insert a result free block in it. Available when the selected query has no results.
  • Avatar block: displays the user's avatar (profile photo). You can choose whether to display the avatar of a specific user or the avatar of the current post/page author.

3、 Other Block Editor Enhancements

The following is an enhanced update to the Block Editor in WordPress 6.0.

Block border: add a border around the block to improve the page details and user experience.

Gallery Image Spacing: Adjusts the spacing between individual images within a gallery block.

Shortcut for adding internal links: add two square brackets followed by the post or page title to quickly add links.

Select multiple blocks in the list view: Use SHIFT+Click or Shift+Up+Down to select multiple adjacent blocks in the list view. You can move them up or down or perform other operations.

4、 WordPress 6.0 accessibility improvements

WordPress 6.0 has many improvements and improvements, improving the user experience.

Here are some improvements.

If no other ALT text is provided, the article title will be used as ALT text for the featured image.
Use placeholder elements to better tab in blocks.
Search for announcements in block search.
Read the description of blocks with placeholder settings.
Screen readers can read management bar text labels on smaller screens.

5、 Summary

In short, there are still many new features of WordPress 6.0. When the time comes, if it is an official website, Lao Wei does not recommend updating it immediately. It is more stable to update after the current website supporting themes and plug-ins support version 6.0.

At this point, we should first Disable WordPress automatic updates , and Manually update WordPress , if you use the pagoda panel, you can Manually update WordPress version in the pagoda panel

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Article name: Introduction to New Features of WordPress 6.0
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/28563.html
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