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What files are included in the Avada theme you purchased?

After we purchase Avada theme from ThemeForest, we download it through ThemeForest account Avada Theme File There are two options for downloading: "All files&documentation" or "Installable WordPress file only". The former contains all Avada theme files and support documents, while the latter only contains the Avada theme zip. If you want to manually install and update the theme, select the latter.

Avada Theme It is the first selling wordpress theme in themeforest. If you are interested, you can Click me to have a look There are tens of thousands of foreign theme sales. At present, the theme on themeforest is paid once for life, which is quite cost-effective compared with other themes' annual payment.
For more information on the Avada theme, see Avada Topic

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There are four options for Download. In addition to the two download functions mentioned above, there is a License serial number as shown in the figure below. It can be divided into PDF documents/TXT documents. The contents of these two documents are the same. We just need to copy the serial number and save it for future use.

Download Avada theme zip from ThemeForest

1. No account, please Click to register a ThemeForest account If you have an account, log in to the ThemeForest account and enter the "Download" tab.

2. Find the Avada theme in the list of purchased products and click the "Download" button. Select a download from All files&documentation or Installable WordPress file only.

What files are included in "All Files&Documentation"

The complete Avada software package is about 267M in size (the new version will be larger). To install an Avada theme, you only need to extract the installable WordPress compressed package. Other PSD files and documents are not needed.

Avada_Full_Package folder
Avada Theme Folder
Avada.zip: Avada's installable WordPress file needs to be manually installed or updated.

Avada-Child-Theme.zip: subtheme, used to change the Avada core theme file. If the subtheme is used, the modified part will not be overwritten when upgrading the Avada theme in the future.

Extras folder: contains links to developer documents of layer sliders and revolution sliders, layer sliders documents, Slider Revolution documents, language folders, license folders, PSD folders.

What files are included in "Installable WordPress file only"

It contains all the installation files of the complete Avada theme, excluding sub themes, and is about 8M in size.

To use WordPress Install Avada Theme , upload the Avada.zip file, and use the FTP Installation Avada Theme , upload the zip file and unzip it online to the website theme directory.

If you want to install a sub theme, you can find it in the zip file of "All Files&documentation" and upload it to the theme folder of the website.

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Article name: What are the documents of the purchased Avada theme
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/25719.html
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