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How much does it cost to build a website and buy a domain name and server?

Wei Aisi's notes are often asked by the novice who consults the website: How much does it cost to build a website The cost of website construction is selected according to the needs of the website. More than 100 yuan is enough for ordinary websites, and tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of medium and large websites are possible. In short, the more functions required, the more customized, and the higher the price. Laowei www.vpss.net analyzes the site building price in detail from the three main perspectives of domain name, cloud server and program.

Domain name fee

The domain name suffixes are com, net and cn.

  1. Com domain name price 50-60 yuan;
  2. Net domain name price 69 yuan;
  3. The price of cn domain name is 20-30 yuan;

The price is about. The price of domain names is not expensive. The prices of domestic domain name registrars are maintained at the same level, while some domain names will provide some preferential activities from time to time. For example, when Alibaba Cloud domain name promotions are held, the price will be much cheaper. For example, the com domain name can be purchased for 35 yuan.

Before purchasing, search to see if the domain name of Italy has been registered, and if it is registered in a rush, change the domain name with other suffixes to see if it has been registered. If the domain name registration is successful, it is necessary to consider whether it needs to be filed. Filing is free.

ECS fee

It includes servers in mainland China and servers outside mainland China.

According to the regulations, all servers in mainland China must apply for website filing. Filing through AliCloud app and Tencent Cloud applet is convenient and fast. At this time, select the server configuration according to the actual situation of personal business.

  1. Personal blogs, small websites and website enthusiasts choose a novice entry-level ECS: 1 core, 2G memory, 1M bandwidth, 40G~50G hard disk space, about 86~95 yuan/year, 258~298 yuan/year.
  2. For enterprise websites, medium-sized websites and websites with a lot of traffic, choose a 2-core 4G server with an appropriate cost performance ratio, about 280~500 yuan/year, 840~1700 yuan/year.
  3. Select 2-core 8G and 4-core 8G servers for small programs and large websites. About 390 yuan/year, 1100 yuan/year.
  4. The bandwidth can be 2M-10M according to the service needs.
  5. The above prices vary according to the bandwidth and hard disk, and the prices shown on the activity page shall prevail.

Lao Wei recommends serving servers in mainland China: Alibaba Cloud Tencent Cloud These two companies rank top in terms of domestic market share, stability, security and speed.

ECS can be well compatible with WordPress, Zblog, Discuz and other dynamic websites. ECS is more suitable for building websites than virtual hosts, Weiss Notes It is also the transition from virtual host to server.

However, many webmasters do not want to file and want to access users in mainland China, so it will be faster to choose servers in Hong Kong. Recommended by Lao Wei Tencent Cloud Hong Kong Server , much faster.

Selected explosives area
618 Zhongshenghui Click to view the purchase
Selected preferential activities Click to view the purchase
Tencent Cloud Preferential Products Zone Click to view the purchase
Cross border e-commerce store server Lightweight application server
Tencent Cloud Animal Palu Game Server Click to view the purchase
For more Tencent Cloud content, please see Tencent Cloud

Cost of station building procedure

The above mentioned website building programs are free to download and use, and do not need to spend money.

What may cost money is the website theme. The theme is like a game skin. Different business scenarios need different Site building theme There are a large number of free website building themes on the network. If you need a theme that is more suitable for business purposes, you may need to pay for it, with prices ranging from 100 yuan to 700 yuan. The website theme usually has a discount of 4-5% when doing promotional activities, so it's cheaper to buy at this time.

If you build your own website, you can get a simple setting of the theme. If you have strong hands-on ability, you can change it slightly according to your own needs. Then upload the content.

If you don't know how to build your own website, you need to ask the website building company for additional fees. In this case, the domain name fees, server fees, program fees, etc. will be packaged together. We won't discuss this situation.

How much does it cost to build a website

Taking com domain names, domestic servers, and free website building programs as examples, Lao Wei calculates the total investment costs as follows:

  1. Newbie website building fee: com domain name 60 yuan/year+domestic server 1 core 2G1M 86 yuan/year+WordPress website building program+free website theme=116 yuan/year;
  2. Enterprise website and company website fees: com domain name 60 yuan/year+domestic server 2-core 4G2M 280 yuan/year+WordPress website building program+charging website theme 400 yuan/lifetime=740 yuan;
  3. Small program websites and large websites: com domain name 60 yuan/year+domestic server 4-core 8G2M 500 yuan/year+WordPress website building program+charging website theme 400 yuan/lifetime=960 yuan;
  4. The domestic theme fee is a lifetime price, while the foreign theme fee is an annual price.

Summary of Weiss's Notes

The above is what Lao Wei summarized How much does it cost to build a website and buy a domain name and server The domain name and server are the main ones, and others can be implemented for free.

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Article title: How much does it cost to build a website to buy domain names and servers
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/24571.html
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