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The method of upgrading and demoting the package for tile removal workers and whether the data IP is retained after upgrading and demoting

Previously, it was possible to upgrade or downgrade the tile mover's account independently in the background, but recently the tile mover canceled the operation button. What if you want to upgrade or downgrade now? The current operation method is a little troublesome. It is to send a TK to the customer service in the background and let the customer service operate for you. Of course, the original data and IP will not be lost during the operation.

Old Wei sent a TK to the tile mover to ask about this, and the customer service replied that it was necessary to tell him the name of the new VPS, and then he helped you replace it. During the upgrade, the data and IP remained intact.

Let's write a paragraph for customer service Upgrade package for tile movers After all, some friends are not familiar with the English content and do not know how to write it.

After logging in to the official website of the tile removal worker, click the Client Area (customer center) at the upper right corner of the screen, click Tickets in the drop-down menu in the navigation bar Support, and then click Open New Ticket, which is the new work order.

Fill in "Help me to upgrade my vps" in the Subject column;

Select the VPS you want to upgrade in the Related Service, and select High in the Priority, so that you can be given priority in answering and setting the upgrade;

Fill in "I want to upgrade the 10G KVM PROMO to 20G KVM PROMO, Please help me to make it happen, Thank you in advance”

If there are multiple VPS to upgrade, don't make a mistake when selecting the VPS to upgrade, and write clearly which package you want to upgrade to. The name of the package can be found in the list of tile movers' packages( Click me to enter )Look, the yellow text is the name of the package.

Demotion package for tile movers This is also the case. Change upgrade to downgrade, and other contents remain unchanged. It doesn't matter how to say this English sentence, as long as the meaning is clearly expressed. I don't know why the tile movers need to change the operation completed by themselves to the manual operation of sending TK, which is a little more troublesome for the host company and users.

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Article name: "The method of upgrading and demoting the package for tile removal workers and whether the data IP is retained after upgrading and demoting"
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/2441.html
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