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AliCloud old users can upgrade instance configuration/bandwidth/cloud disk expansion with a discount of 6.5%

The AliCloud old users upgrade instance configuration/bandwidth/cloud disk expansion and enjoy a limited time of 65% off! All the time, Alibaba Cloud old users want to upgrade ECS at a discount of 20% or more, which saves little money. In this September 2020 promotional event, Alibaba Cloud has brought a discount of 6.5% to old users, and it is a limited time discount. Those who are interested can continue to read Alibaba Cloud old user upgrade promotions Details.

Highlights of AliCloud old users upgrading ECS

With higher configuration and better performance, the exclusive privileges for regular users are as follows:

  • One click upgrade of instance&bandwidth&cloud disk
  • All popular models are supported
  • Super cost-effective discount

Activity address: Click me directly

AliCloud old users upgrade ECS active objects

AliCloud users who meet the following conditions: registered users with real name authentication on the AliCloud official website. Users who purchase one or two ECS instances before July 31, 2020 can only participate in the upgrade for more than 180 days, and can enjoy it in all regions of China Station (excluding Dubai);

  • Time: August 4, 2020 to November 30, 2020 Activity Page Shall prevail);
  • Instance upgrade: the current ECS instance type is changed or upgraded to the active specified type (including s6 t6、t5、g5、g6、c5、c6、hfc5、hfc6、hfg5、hfg6, The actual models that can be upgraded or changed shall be subject to the actual display of the console;
  • Bandwidth upgrade: If the current ECS fixed bandwidth is upgraded to 5M or 6M, you can enjoy an upgrade discount of 6.5% from half a year to one year, and the same user can participate once;
  • Cloud disk expansion: The cloud disk (including system disk and data disk) of the current monthly subscription package ECS is expanded to 200G, and can enjoy a 6.5% expansion discount.

AliCloud server instance&bandwidth upgrade steps

1、 Click me to log in On the AliCloud console, find the instance to upgrade in the instance list, and click the "Lift Configuration" button on the right as shown in the following figure.

 AliCloud server instance configuration
AliCloud server instance configuration

2. Click [Upgrade Configuration] to continue and see the current instance type. The following is the target upgrade type or bandwidth that can be selected.

 CPU memory bandwidth for AliCloud server instance upgrade
CPU memory bandwidth for AliCloud server instance upgrade

Make sure there is no problem with the order and pay. The price is also about 6.5% off for normal renewal, which is relatively cost-effective.

Alibaba Cloud Server Cloud Disk Expansion Steps

1、 Click me to log in On the AliCloud console, find [Storage and Snapshot] and [Snapshot] on the left. Create a snapshot first and make a backup. Old Wei mentioned the importance of backup countless times in his articles!

2. Click [Storage and Snapshot] [Cloud Disk], and on the right click [More] [Cloud Disk Expansion], as shown in the following figure.

 Alibaba Cloud server cloud disk expansion
Alibaba Cloud server cloud disk expansion

3. When the ECS is powered on, you can check "Online Capacity Expansion", enter the capacity after capacity expansion, check the terms of service, and confirm the order and make payment.

 Alibaba Cloud Server Cloud Disk Capacity Expansion
Alibaba Cloud Server Cloud Disk Capacity Expansion

If you have a match Alibaba Cloud old user promotions If you want to upgrade the ECS, you should seize the opportunity to upgrade the configuration and save costs.

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Article name: AliCloud old users can upgrade instance configuration/bandwidth/cloud disk expansion with a discount of 6.5%
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/22074.html
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