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All in One SEO Pack Plug in Installation Setup Tutorial_WordPress seo Plug in Deployment

All in One SEO Pack Plug in It is the one with a large number of installations Wordpress seo plug-in At the same time, it is also the most popular free plug-in. Almost everywhere WordPress can see, there are seo optimization options. The SEO plug-in is used to set keywords and website optimization strategies for websites, help WordPress websites optimize SEO functions, and improve the weight and ranking of search engines. All in One SEO Pack Plug in It is an early SEO plug-in, which is famous and used by many people. In this article, Mr. Wei will explain the detailed functions and setting methods of the All in One SEO Pack plug-in in detail. I hope you can be familiar with the use of All in One SEO Pack plug-in through this tutorial.

The All in One SEO Pack plug-in involves many contents and options. If you are familiar with SEO optimization, you can use it easily. If you are a novice, it is recommended that you follow the default settings without changing anything. The plug-in has most of the options set by default, and the options you don't know are OK by default.

All in One SEO Pack Free Edition Premium Edition Difference

The default free version is enough. The paid version (All in One SEO Pack Pro) includes the personal paid version, the commercial paid version, and the agent paid version. The difference lies in:

1. Prices are different. The personal charging version can only be used for one website, the commercial charging version can be used for 100 websites, and the agent charging version does not limit the number of websites.

2. The difference between the free version and the paid version is that in addition to the continuous update of the latest version, the paid version also has the following new functions:

Google local business SEO module (commercial version and higher version)
News site map module (commercial version and higher version)
Picture SEO module (commercial version and higher version)
Yes, WooCommerce
SEO categories, labels and custom taxonomies
Provides advanced support classification
Support Google
Tracking Code Manager Advanced Google Analytics Tracking
Video SEO module better
Control display settings
Access video screenshots
Access Advanced Support
Access Knowledge Center
Priority support from dedicated support team
View video tutorials about SEO

Generally, all in one pack plug-ins are often used in English websites and foreign trade websites, so this article takes English as an example. If you use Chinese, all in one pack will automatically switch to the Chinese interface. However, at present, the degree of localization has not reached 100%, but the rest can be almost guessed.

All in One SEO Pack Installation

There is nothing special about installing this plug-in. Just like ordinary wordpress plug-ins, you can find it by searching all in one seo pack in the background of wordpress. The installation amount of seo plug-ins is No.1.

It's OK to enable it after installation. Most WordPress plug-ins are installed in this way. There's nothing to say.

 All in One SEO Pack Installation

All in One SEO Pack Installation

All in one SEO Pack Plug in Settings

In general, among the common seo plug-ins, the settings of all in one seo pack are the most concise, clear, understandable and easy to use. For example, Yoast seo and Rank Math are relatively more complex and have more options.

Website title, website description, website keywords, referred to as TDK , which is a term commonly used in this paper.

All in one SEO Pack Plug in General Settings

License key: used by paid version users to enter the key;

Canonical URLs: Canonical URLs will be automatically generated for WordPress to avoid duplicate content, and Google will punish duplicate URLs;

No Pagination for Canonical URLs The standard URL does not contain pagination: set the standard URL containing pagination content to the first page, and it is recommended to check multiple pagination for an article;

Use Original Title uses the default title: it is not recommended to check, because everyone should understand;

Log important events plug-in log: When selected, the All In One SEO Pack plug-in will generate a log log called all in one seo pack.log, which is stored in the/wp content/directory to help later check for errors, provided that the directory is writable.

 All in one SEO Pack Plug in General Settings

All in one SEO Pack Plug in General Settings

All in one SEO Pack homepage and keyword settings

  • Home title homepage title and home description homepage description: the homepage title and homepage description are used to help users set the core content of the website. It is recommended to fill them in;
  • Use static front page instead: not checked by default. If not checked, the title description keywords of the current home page will be used. Wordpress uses the PHP dynamic homepage file to display the latest articles all the time; If checked, the TDK on the home page will be hidden. Go to the "static page" and use All in one seo pack settings of that page Control the TDK content on the home page. The reason is that many users are used to creating foreign trade websites (such as avada theme) Wordpress background settings settings>reading>Your homepage displays>a static page To replace the dynamic homepage file mentioned above. The situation of specifying static pages is mostly used for foreign trade websites, enterprise websites and other website types (the content of the home page is relatively fixed). Information websites and news websites (the content of the home page is updated every day) cannot specify static pages.

There are two situations here. If you continue to use the dynamic homepage, do not check this option; If "static page" is specified, this option will be enabled, and you can choose it according to your personal situation.

Google has reduced the role of keywords in website ranking. It is said that Google has long ago not listed keywords as a factor to consider in keyword ranking. It is confirmed here in all in one seo pack. By default, it is closed. You can decide whether to open it or not.

  • Keyword Settings: controls the keywords of the entire website. You need to pull down to the bottom of the page to enable keyword settings.;
  • Use Categories for META keywords: according to the actual situation, some categories are not suitable for keywords, and some categories can be used as keywords;
  • Use Tags for META keywords: not recommended;
  • Dynamically Generate Keywords for Posts Page/Archives: not recommended.
 All in one SEO Pack homepage and keyword settings

All in one SEO Pack homepage and keyword settings

All in one SEO Pack Title Settings

Here are the format settings of the homepage title, page title, article title, directory title, archive title, label title, etc. Besides the website title, you can also add the separator, website name, etc. You can set them here, and it is recommended to default.

 All in one SEO Pack Title Settings

All in one SEO Pack Title Settings

All in one SEO Pack Content Type Settings

In addition to providing seo settings for post articles and page pages, the all in one seo pack plug-in can also provide seo settings for these pages in the following figure, such as media media, attachments, and portfolio pages. You can check the option to add additional seo settings as needed. Generally speaking, the default is good.

 All in one SEO Pack Content Type Settings

All in one SEO Pack Content Type Settings

All in one SEO Pack Display Settings

The All in One SEO Pack plug-in will add SEO options in the article editing list, including quick changes to the title, keywords and description (just after the article editing and quick editing). This is not practical, so it is recommended to close it.

 All in one SEO Pack Display Settings

All in one SEO Pack Display Settings

Webmaster tools and Google Analytics validation

Fill in and bind the ID of common Google webmaster tools, bing webmaster tools, Baidu webmaster tools, Yandex webmaster tools, Pinterest webmaster tools, and Google Analytics, and you can directly see the corresponding statistical content. Choose this according to your personal preferences. Old Wei is still used to checking the details in the management background of each software.

Rich text structure settings

Rich text structure displays website content from multiple perspectives, which can attract visitors' attention. It is recommended to open it.

  • Social profile links Social media links, such as youtube, fb, tw, ins, linkdein, are recommended to be added.
  • Select an individual or an organization, and fill in the organization name, logo image, phone number, and contact information.

If this part of content is displayed in search results by Google, it will be very conspicuous and give visitors a sense of trust.

 All in one SEO Pack rich text structure settings

All in one SEO Pack rich text structure settings

NOINDEX settings

  • Default to NOINDEX means that this page is not indexed by default, that is, a noindex tag is added to the web page, and the search engine will not include this page. If it has been included, it will be deleted;
  • Default to NOFOLLOW means that the page is not tracked by default, and the nofollow tag is added to the page. Tell search engines not to crawl the links on the page;

The setting of this area is extremely important to maintain the website SEO weight. For example, some pages will not be indexed if they have no substantive meaning, so as to reduce page duplication. Set not to track pages with more external links to prevent loss of website weight. Don't change it if you don't understand it, just acquiesce.

Advanced settings

  • Autogenerate Descriptions: Automatically extract the content in front of the article to generate descriptions. You can also add it manually. It is recommended to check it;
  • Remove Descriptions For Paginated Pages;
  • Never Shorten Long Descriptions: When the description exceeds a certain number of words, it will be cut automatically, and it is not recommended to check;
  • Unprotect Post Meta Fields Unprotect the article page: you can unprotect the internal postmeta field used for XMLRPC. If you don't know what it is, leave it alone;
  • Redirect Attachments to Post Parent Redirects attachment pages to other attached article pages: If users visit pictures or other media pages, they will be automatically redirected to their attached articles. It is recommended to ignore them;
  • Exclude Pages: exclude plug-in settings from the pages you specify, and separate different pages with English commas;
  • Additional Post Headers add content to the header of the article page: the content entered here will be copied to the titles of all articles;
  • Additional Page Headers Additional content in the page header: for pages, the effect is the same as above;
  • Additional Front Page Headers Additional content in the header of the home page: for the header of the home page of the website, the effect is the same as above;

Unless you have a special purpose, these spaces will be left blank.

Finally, remember to save the update options before they take effect.

All in one seo pack

The options mentioned above are global settings, and the seo settings used most are those in editing articles. You can see the All in One SEO Pack area at the bottom of each article. The options here are commonly used, so you'd better fill in the title, description and keywords carefully.

  • Title and description: The title and description of the current page can be seen, and the plug-in will give reasonable suggestions. For example, in the following figure, it is suggested that the website title should use up to 60 characters in most search engines, but 75 characters are actually used. So you can manually modify the title content to meet the plug-in's suggestions. If you do not change it, it may cause the search engine to dislike it;
  • Custom canonical URL: left blank;
  • NOINDEX this page/post Do not index this article/page: Search engines are not allowed to index this article. A few articles are selected according to the actual situation;
  • NOFOLLOW this page/post Do not track this article/page: judging from the actual situation, most articles/pages should not be checked;
  • Exclude from sitemap: unchecked;
  • Sitemap priority/Sitemap Frequency: The paid version is available;
  • Disable on this page/post This article: disable the seo function in this article.
 All in one seo pack

All in one seo pack

All in one seo pack plug-in performance settings

The performance performance setting options are set as follows:

  • Raise memory limit: generally changed to 256M;
  • Raise execution time: increase the PHP execution time to a reasonable value, and select as needed;

XML Sitemap Settings

  • Schedule updates Plan update frequency: select no schedule according to the frequency of articles posted on your website, daily,weekly,monthly;
  • Enable sitemap indexes: checked by default;
  • Maximum posts per sitemap pages The maximum number of articles allowed per map page: 1000 by default (50000 at most). If the number is too large, it is easy to get stuck when generating files;
  • Post types The types of articles that appear in the website map: by default;
  • Taxonomies: select the classification and archiving displayed in the site map, and it is OK by default;
  • Include Date Archive Pages: default;
  • Include Author Pages: the default is OK;
  • Exclude Images: select as needed;
  • Dynamically Generate Sitemap: Dynamically generate a sitemap, check. All in one seo pack plug-in XML sitemap settings

All in one seo pack plug-in XML sitemap settings

  • Page Priority: Select as needed. If Lao Wei chooses, the priority of the article page will be set higher and the page priority will be lower;
  • Page Frequency: Select according to the frequency of posting articles. If you send an article every day, choose daily;
  • Homepage Priorities: It is recommended to set the highest priority to 0.8;
  • Posts priorities: It is recommended to set 0.6. For example, lower the home page;
  • Taxonomies: lower than the article page;
  • Frequencies Homepage: refresh frequency of the home page, filled in according to the frequency of published articles;
  • Posts article page refresh frequency: the same as above;
  • Taxonomies category refresh frequency: the same as above.

Feature Manager

This is similar to the Rank math plug-in, which also provides many additional modules. That is, many gadgets can implement some additional functions and are very useful. The difference is that Rank math's modules are free to use.

The All in One SEO Pack plug-in provides multiple add-on programs, such as XML Sitemaps, Social Meta, Robots.txt, file editor, importer&exporter, bad bot blocker, performance, video sitemap, local business seo, image seo, which can be installed. Some of them are free versions, while others are paid versions, so you can choose them on demand. After activation, a corresponding new function will be generated in the left column area of wordpress for use. The setting items are also very detailed.

in short All in One SEO Pack It is simple and easy to use Wordpress seo plug-in , which integrates most common SEO functions with the yoast seo plug-in (tutorial Yoast SEO Plug in English Setting Tutorial )And rank math plug-ins( Rank math plug-in installation setup tutorial )It is relatively simple to set up, especially suitable for novices. I hope you can set your website seo, increase the number of search engine crawls and improve seo ranking through this plug-in.

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Article name: All in One SEO Pack Plug in Installation and Setup Tutorial_WordPress seo Plug in Deployment
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/21577.html
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