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How does the free version of pagoda panel upgrade to professional version/professional version upgrade to enterprise version work?

Pagoda Panel Free Upgrade Professional Edition How to operate with Enterprise Edition? Pagoda Panel Professional Upgrade Enterprise How to operate? Many students who use the pagoda panel think it is easy to use. If they want to experience or use more paid functions of the pagoda panel, they need to upgrade from the free version to the professional/enterprise version, or switch between the professional and enterprise versions. Lao Wei will explain how to upgrade different versions of the operation process below.

Lao Wei suggested that the pagoda panel is suitable for novices and Xiaobai to build a website, and supports Linux and Windows systems, Click to go directly to the pagoda website Register an account and get a free professional edition gift package of ¥ 3188 (only 1188 yuan for permanent authorization of the professional edition). New users can enjoy a professional edition experience of 0.99 yuan for 7 days.
Recommended selection of pagoda panel Alibaba Cloud Tencent Cloud The server
For more information, see Special topic of pagoda panel
Click to view NetEase Cloud Classroom "Introduction to Pagoda Linux Panel for Novice"

Facts Pagoda Panel Professional Edition It is very powerful, whether from the perspective of server security or server maintenance. Friends who have not installed the pagoda panel, please Click me directly On the pagoda panel official website, remember to register the pagoda official account and bind it to the pagoda panel of your server, so that new users can enjoy the professional version of 0.99 yuan for one month.

Pagoda Panel Free Upgrade Professional/Enterprise

Pagoda Panel Free Upgrade Professional Edition And Pagoda Panel Free Upgrade Enterprise Edition The process is the same. The Professional Edition and the Enterprise Edition here only have different functions. The Enterprise Edition contains all the functions of the Professional Edition.

1. Deploy pagoda panel

It will not be deployed. Please see Pagoda Panel 7.0 Installation and Deployment Tutorial , which is a manual deployment tutorial. In addition, foreign cloud server merchants have also integrated the pagoda panel to facilitate one click deployment. The tutorial is as follows.

To use AliCloud servers, see How to install pagoda panels on Alibaba Cloud ECS servers with one click , using Tencent ECS, see How to install the pagoda panel with one click by Tencent ECS

remember Click me directly Pagoda account, log in to the deployed pagoda panel, bind your pagoda account at the position shown in the figure below, and new users can enjoy the professional version of 0.99 yuan experience for one month.

 Bind the pagoda panel to your pagoda account
Bind the pagoda panel to your pagoda account

2. Upgrade version after payment

After the 7.0 version of the pagoda panel, you can upgrade it directly from the deployed pagoda panel "Software Management", and bind the pagoda account to pay for the upgrade.

 Pagoda Panel>Software Management>Upgrade Now
Pagoda Panel>Software Management>Upgrade Now

What you may be interested in: Difference and selection of free version/professional version/enterprise version of pagoda panel

3. Pagoda panel payment method

There are two payment methods for the pagoda panel. According to your business needs, you can choose the professional version or the paid version. WeChat/Alipay scanning code payment or coupon payment are supported.

A、 Purchase directly from the panel as shown in the figure below

 Pagoda panel payment method: purchase directly from the panel
Pagoda panel payment method: purchase directly from the panel

B、 Purchase vouchers from the pagoda official website

Click me directly Find the version you want to use on the pagoda's official website. After you pay for it, you can view the bound server IP and expiration time on the current page.

 Pagoda panel payment method: purchase deduction coupons from the pagoda official website
Pagoda panel payment method: purchase deduction coupons from the pagoda official website

This completes the process of upgrading from the free version to the professional version, or from the free version to the enterprise version.

Switching process between professional and enterprise versions of pagoda panel

Rather than upgrading, it is better to switch between the professional and enterprise versions of the pagoda panel. Because Pagoda Professional Edition and Enterprise Edition are two different versions, they cannot be directly upgraded to each other. Their conversion process is completed through settlement.

1. Settle the current paid version

If there are multiple paid version servers, first confirm the IP address of the license server, and then click Change Binding IP as shown in the figure below, so you can settle the license of the professional version of this server.

There is a limit on the number of times of settlement authorization, which can only be replaced once a month based on the natural month. After the replacement of authorization, the authorization time of the corresponding professional edition deduction will be reduced by 1 day (the permanent authorization of the professional edition will not be). The unused time after settlement will be converted into vouchers for future use.

 Current paid version of pagoda panel settlement
Current paid version of pagoda panel settlement

Pagoda Panel Switch Enterprise/Professional

After the settlement, your server will be in the free version status. At this time, click the professional version or enterprise version in the above figure. Before upgrading the enterprise version, it is recommended to manually update the software list (or re login the panel), as shown in the following figure:

 Pagoda panel manual update software list
Pagoda panel manual update software list

Start to switch versions after the refresh is successful. As above, you can upgrade directly through the panel or purchase a coupon from the official website.

For example, after you buy a coupon, you can enter the deployed pagoda panel. In the above figure, the pagoda panel>Software Management>Upgrade immediately. Select different versions>coupon, and you can immediately upgrade successfully.

on the whole Free version of pagoda panel upgraded to professional/enterprise version The steps are the same. For switching between the professional version and the enterprise version, you need to purchase the corresponding version first, then manually settle, and finally restart the pagoda panel. On the top right corner of the pagoda panel home page, you will see pagoda versions with different colors.

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Article name: How to upgrade the free version of pagoda panel to professional version/professional version to enterprise version
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/21138.html
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