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How to generate a WordPress foreign trade website map/site map/sitemap?

WordPress foreign trade website map How to generate? Lao Wei wrote before Sitemap Site Map File Format Description The content of is found to be more consistent with the use of domestic websites after consideration recently. If you are a WordPress foreign trade website, you can use the foreign website map plug-in to generate a website map. From the perspective of WordPress foreign trade website, this article collects and sorts out relevant site map plug-ins and explains their use.

 How to generate Wordpress foreign trade website map/site map/sitemap
How to generate WordPress foreign trade website map/site map/sitemap

Meaning and purpose of Sitemap

What is a sitemap?

It is also called website map and site map. It generates all pages of the website into a webpage file in xml format and puts them on the homepage of the website for search engines to grab. For example, you can find the website map on the homepage of Weieis Notes website and at the bottom of this article as follows: https://www.vpsss.net/sitemap.xml , which is a standard website map file in xml format.

Let's talk about Lao Wei's experience of using the website map. Weiss Notes First use Google map plug-in later Baidu does not support indexed XML map format , we have to change to the XM format map admitted by Baidu. See the tutorial Generate XML map files that meet Baidu's requirements If you are a foreign trade website, you don't need to change. It's better not to cater to Baidu and continue to use your plug-in.

Use of sitemap

It is used to provide search engines with web address records that can be crawled. Search engines are machine spiders that can crawl our website content. They can only crawl and crawl along the web address you provide. If the sitemap is not generated, the spider can also grab it, but the effect is not good. The sitemap includes all website content that is allowed to be crawled. Each website has content that spiders do not want to crawl, such as website management directories such as/admin/. Such prohibited content will not appear in the sitemap, nor will spiders crawl.

Please refer to How to write robots. txt on WordPress website and what to pay attention to , which is related to sitemap. It is recommended to understand and operate.

Sitemap Site Map Generation Method

There are two common methods: manual generation and plug-in generation.

  • Manual generation can find map generation code, online sitemap map generation website and tool software on the Internet, such as XML map conforming to Baidu sitemap format It is generated through php code. If the website is aimed at domestic users, they should generally comply with Baidu's requirements.
  • Most foreign trade websites use sitemap plug-ins to generate website maps. For example, the common Google xml site map plug-in, Yoast SEO plug-in, All in one seo Pack plug-in, and Rank math plug-in can all provide standard Google xml maps.

Related content: Yoast SEO Plug in English Setting Tutorial

Rank math plug-in installation and use tutorial

All in One SEO Pack Plug in Installation Setup Tutorial

Google's xml map plug-in was repeatedly introduced by Mr. Wei, and was mentioned above. It is easy to use, and can be used after installation with simple settings. If the foreign trade website adopts manual seo optimization, install the Google xml plug-in This plug-in is only used to generate a website map. After the article is published, a new sitemap file will be automatically generated. It is simple and light, and almost does not occupy system resources.

If foreign trade websites intend to install seo plug-ins, they can use Yoast SEO plug-ins, All in one seo Pack plug-ins, and Rank math plug-ins. These three plug-ins all come with the Google xml map generation function. If other website map plug-ins are installed at the same time, conflicts will be prompted (it is unnecessary).

Among them, the Yoast SEO plug-in requires the Premium version (paid version) to have the website map generation function. If you don't want to spend money, you can install the google xml plug-in while using the plug-in seo function, or simply use the other two seo plug-ins.

After the plug-in is installed, there are website map generation options in the settings, which can be started. In addition, the rank math plug-in will have many options to set.

Submit the website map to the search engine

After obtaining the website map URL, you can submit it to each major search engine portal, leave the web page url in the place you are familiar with, or submit the sitemap url on Baidu search resource platform, Google web master, so that the search engine can capture and include the website pages faster.

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Article name: How to generate a WordPress foreign trade website map/site map/sitemap
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/20947.html
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