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Tencent cloud website filing cloud service requirements and preparations in advance

stay Tencent Cloud Website Filing Like other cloud computing businesses in China, several cloud computing products must be prepared in advance before the filing process can begin. Today, Lao Wei shared with you the detailed requirements and data preparation for website filing in Tencent Cloud.

1、 Filing ECS

Through Tencent Cloud Backup, you need to purchase the ECS of Tencent Cloud first and meet the following requirements:

1. The purchase is an ECS in mainland China (cloud services in Hong Kong and overseas do not need to be filed, nor can they be used for filing).

2. The billing mode of ECS needs to be monthly package (ECS that does not support volume based billing for the time being can be filed), with public IP (bandwidth cannot be 0 when purchasing ECS), and the purchase time is not less than 3 months and has not expired (if the purchase time is less than 3 months, it needs to be renewed so that the purchase time is not less than 3 months).

3. Remember first Click me to get it New customers' vouchers, then select their own ECS specifications from the table below, check [Use vouchers] when making payment and select the maximum amount, so as to save the cost of going to the cloud.

Selected explosives area
618 Zhongshenghui Click to view the purchase
Selected preferential activities Click to view the purchase
Tencent Cloud Preferential Products Zone Click to view the purchase
Cross border e-commerce store server Lightweight application server
Tencent Cloud Animal Palu Game Server Click to view the purchase
For more Tencent Cloud content, please see Tencent Cloud

The following are the most popular S2 standard configurations of Tencent Cloud, and the bandwidth can be 1M/2M/5M/10M. Because this is a 30% discount price for Tencent Cloud's activities, and the cost performance ratio is very high, so Lao Wei recommends that you choose according to your business needs.

CPU: 1 core
Memory: 1G
Hard disk: 50GB
Bandwidth: 1Mbps
Flow: unlimited
Location: Beijing/Shanghai/Guangzhou
Purchase: Click Direct
CPU: 1 core
Memory: 2G
Hard disk: 50GB
Bandwidth: 1Mbps
Flow: unlimited
Location: Beijing/Shanghai/Guangzhou
Purchase: Click Direct
CPU: 2 cores
Memory: 4G
Hard disk: 50GB
Bandwidth: 1Mbps
Flow: unlimited
Location: Beijing/Shanghai/Guangzhou
Purchase: Click Direct

As can be seen from the table, the discount is very strong, and the higher the configuration of the model, the more cost-effective and cost saving.

4. There are no more than 5 websites filed for the same ECS instance. For more details, please Click me directly In the official Tencent Cloud document, enter "Instance Type" to view the official help file.

2、 Registered domain name

The domain name is a prerequisite for website filing, and businesses and the Administration will check this domain name during preliminary review, patrol, verification and recheck. You can buy domain names from Alibaba Cloud and other domestic businesses and take them to Tencent ECS for filing.

If Tencent Cloud buys the domain name first, it will not be a new user. It will not be able to get and use Tencent Cloud vouchers and get the preferential discount of Tencent Cloud Server. So remember the following order:

1. If you want to buy Tencent ECS first, you can save the cost of going to the cloud by using the voucher you received above.

2. Then go to Tencent Cloud, Alibaba Cloud, etc. to buy domain names, which will not affect the first purchase of new users and save money.

3、 Filing authorization code

1. The filing authorization code is an authorization certificate generated by the server for filing, which actually points to the IP address of the server.

Tips: The filing authorization code is usually unavailable Individual users don't need to look down. The following content is only for enterprise users who need it.

2. If there is no ECS meeting the filing conditions in Tencent's cloud account, you can use the filing authorization code for filing. The generation condition of the filing authorization code is that the ECS that creates the filing authorization code must meet the requirements of the filing cloud service, and the real name authentication type of the account is enterprise.

3. Use Scenarios

User Li Yun has registered account A and account B in Tencent Cloud. I bought ECS under account A to build the official websites of the head office and branches, while account B did not purchase services. However, a Tencent cloud account can only record websites of one subject (here, the head office and branch offices are two subjects). Therefore, the filing of another entity needs to be placed in account B. Since account B has not purchased an ECS, it needs to submit the filing authorization code, which is generated by the ECS of account A.

4. Create filing authorization code

Log in to account A of the purchased ECS and enter the [Website Filing Console]>[Filing Authorization Code] page. Click Generate Authorization Code.

Select the cloud service to associate, and click OK to enter the generation process. After the filing authorization code is generated successfully, you can view the specific authorization code, change the cloud service or delete it on the page.

5. Use of filing authorization code

Log in to account B without available ECS, enter the [Website Filing Console], and enter the filing process on the [Filing Management] page [Start Filing].

Fill in the filing steps, select [Filing Authorization Code] from [Corresponding Cloud Service] in the website information, and paste the filing authorization code generated by account A.

After the verification is successful, you can use account B to continue filing. The filing IP address is the IP address corresponding to the ECS that provides the filing authorization code.

For more details, please Click me directly The official Tencent Cloud document, enter "website filing" to view the official help file.

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Article name: Tencent Cloud Website Filing Cloud Service Requirements and Preparation in Advance
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/18910.html
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