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Why should domestic websites be filed?

For websites with website servers in China, website filing is a hard requirement of the Administration and a prerequisite to complete before building a website. If the website is not filed, it cannot be browsed by users in China. The purpose of website filing is to standardize network security, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of websites and protect the legitimate rights and interests of users. To a small extent, it is also to safeguard our own rights and interests.

Of course, as the webmaster, it's OK for us to simply understand the general principles above. In fact, we can get the record number smoothly, and don't worry about anything else. The benefits of website filing are as follows:

1. High website trust

When browsing the website, users will notice whether the website has been filed. If the website has not been filed, the trust of the website will be low. If the website has been filed, the trust of the website will be higher. When users browse the website, they will feel distrust of the website if the new website is not registered.

From the perspective of search engine, Baidu has clearly expressed that the existence of website filing will give due consideration to search results and weight. So websites should not only please users, but also search engines. Otherwise, no matter how good your content is, if there is no website filing, your ranking may not be as high as that of your peers.

2. Fast access

There are many types of website space. Some websites are placed on foreign servers, which is convenient without filing, but the website will open slowly, taking a long time or even unable to open. The websites of domestic servers can not only open quickly, but also bring better user experience to users, and also increase the friendliness of search engines.
To put it bluntly, if the opening time exceeds 3 seconds, people now have little patience to wait. Google has clearly defined a certain weight for those whose opening time exceeds 2 seconds, so this company should pay attention to this.

3. Exchange friendship links

Many websites now require each other's website to be filed when exchanging friendship links, because if the website is not filed, its trust will be affected.

4. Easier inclusion

The registered website has fast access speed and high trust, which is conducive to the capture of search engines and easier to include website content. Baidu did not make a clear statement on this point, but from the collection results, it is suggested that filing is more beneficial for long-term development.

Tip: If you do not file, you can only place it on servers outside the mainland, which leads to greater access latency for domestic users. Web page opening time is also a key point in SEO optimization. The lower the delay, the faster the opening speed. Baidu ranking will take user experience into account.

5. Tips for relieving dangerous websites

When you open a website that has not been filed, it will be blocked by some security software and prompted that there is a danger. When users see this prompt, they will directly close the website, thus losing some users. This is rarely the case for the website on record.

Therefore, domestic websites must be filed, which is conducive to website optimization, inclusion, ranking and website operation.

6. Domestic ECS recommendation for easy filing

AliCloud server

According to the official big data analysis results, Alibaba Cloud Server launched the following popular configurations for promotional activities:

A、 Click me to get it AliCloud 1000 yuan voucher can be used to offset the amount when making payment, saving money;

B、 Click me directly On the AliCloud national cloud computing page, three ECS servers are folded, and more than one is selected for preferential configuration;

C、 Click me directly Alibaba Cloud enterprise level ECS page, a 50% discount for high-performance enterprise level ECS;

D、 Click me directly On the Alibaba Cloud lightweight application server page, a novice can quickly start building an environment and website with one click;

E、 To save money, please move Alibaba Cloud Shopping Cart Money Saving Strategy , skillfully use the shopping cart to carry out the preferential discount to the end;

F、 For more promotional activities, please go to Summary of Alibaba Cloud long-term promotional activities

2. The performance balancing configuration is divided into 1 core 1G, 1 core 2G, 2 core 4G, and 4 core 8G:

Performance balancing configuration, unlimited CPU performance, higher cost performance
Share basic xn4 instance Shared computing n4 instance Computing Network Enhanced Instance Computing Network Enhanced Instance
1-core 1G 40G system disk 1-core 2G 40G system disk 2-core 4G 40G system disk 4-core 8G 40G system disk
394 yuan/1 year 788 yuan/2 years 1182 yuan/3 years 653 yuan/year 1306 yuan/year 1959 yuan/year 1566 yuan/year 3132 yuan/year 4698 yuan/year 2991 yuan/1 year 5582 yuan/2 years 7975 yuan/3 years
Click me directly Click me directly Click me directly Click me directly

Tencent ECS

Unlike Alibaba Cloud, Tencent ECS servers are all exclusive servers with preferential prices and higher cost performance.

A、 new user Click me to get it 2860 yuan free exclusive coupon for Tencent Cloud, which can be received in a limited time.

B、 The second kill activity of Tencent Cloud's selected cloud products: Click me directly On the activity page, the AMD ECS 1 core 1G memory 1M bandwidth configuration is an exclusive server with an ultra-low price of 230 yuan/year.

C、 30% discount on hot cloud products: Click me to open ECS and cloud database are preferential, with more stable service, faster speed and better price;

D、 30% discount on website solution: Click me to open One stop cloud service, centralized website solution, and popular cloud products are as low as 30% off.

F、 For more promotional activities, please go to Summary of Tencent Cloud Long term Preferential Activities

The following are the most popular S2 standard configurations of Tencent Cloud, and the bandwidth can be 1M/2M/5M/10M. Because this is a 30% discount price for Tencent Cloud's activities, and the cost performance ratio is very high, so Lao Wei recommends that you choose according to your business needs.

Selected explosives area
618 Zhongshenghui Click to view the purchase
Selected preferential activities Click to view the purchase
Tencent Cloud Preferential Products Zone Click to view the purchase
Cross border e-commerce store server Lightweight application server
Tencent Cloud Animal Palu Game Server Click to view the purchase
For more Tencent Cloud content, please see Tencent Cloud
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Article name: Why should domestic websites be filed
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