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AliCloud lucky ticket collection, usage rules and FAQs

AliCloud Lucky Coupon is an official promotional activity launched by AliCloud for small users. The use of Lucky Coupon can randomly reduce a certain amount of fees on the basis of the official discount, which is very suitable for our webmaster friends to build websites. You can also get a raffle after using Alibaba Cloud lucky tickets to buy, and you will win 100% of the prize; Don't forget it.

Every time you use it, you can draw a lottery. Each account can draw 3 times at most. The prizes are: AliCloud domain name vouchers, AliCloud storage vouchers, AliCloud general vouchers, etc. Let's take a look at the winning record of AliCloud's lucky ticket activity. Overall, the winning rate is quite high, and it is also cost-effective for webmasters who build websites.

1. Participants: AliCloud members who successfully place an order for payment with lucky tickets
2. Award description:
1) Every lucky ticket user will have another chance to draw a lottery for every more successful order with lucky tickets this month
2) The prize is valid for seven days after obtaining it. Members who do not use the corresponding privileges or vouchers within seven days are deemed to have waived the prize
3) The prizes of this activity are the domestic site services of the corresponding products, excluding foreign sites.
3. Description of Award
1) After winning the lottery, click "My Prize" at the bottom of the lottery window to view
4. Frequently asked questions
1) Q: Can newly registered members participate? A: Yes, any AliCloud member who has passed the real name authentication can participate in the lottery
2) Q: Can I draw lots of prizes after paying many times? A: One more chance of lottery will be added for every additional paid order with lucky vouchers
3) Q: Why does the system remind me that my order cannot be refunded because of participating in the lottery A: The activity order does not enjoy five day unconditional refund.

FAQs about common AliCloud lucky tickets:

1. Which products support AliCloud lucky vouchers:
A: The products that support AliCloud lucky vouchers are as follows:
a. ECS
b. Relational database RDS
c. ApsaraDB for Redis
d. DTS
e. Distributed relational database service DRDS
f. Situation awareness SAS
g. Server security hosting (Anqie)
h. Web application firewall (network security)
i. Mobile security
j. Yundun encryption service (data security)
k. Yundun certificate service (data security)
l. Security butler service (security service)
m. Advanced anti DDoS IP (network security)
n. Website Log Analysis
o. Public trend analysis
p. Analytical database ADS
q. Cloud resolution

2. How much discount can I get from AliCloud lucky coupons (coupons, cloud ambassadors)?
A: As the name suggests, the discount range of AliCloud lucky vouchers is random; But there is a picture below that can roughly explain the margin of preference.

3. I have two AliCloud accounts. Can I get lucky tickets from each other and use them?
A: AliCloud accounts under the same real name authentication cannot receive lucky tickets from each other.

4. AliCloud Lucky Coupons can be used for upgrades. Can AliCloud Lucky Coupons be used for multiple upgrades? (Whether lucky tickets can be used for the second upgrade)
A: For the same product, only the first purchase or upgrade is applicable to AliCloud Lucky Coupon. You cannot use lucky tickets for the second upgrade. So if you want to save more money, you can save a lot of money by buying it for many years at a time.

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Article name: AliCloud Lucky Voucher Collection, Rules of Use and FAQs
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/1817.html
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