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Summary, difference and selection of different host instance types of Alibaba Cloud Server?

For novices, the name of the server type has always been a "mystery", a puzzle. When Weiaisi Blog first came into contact with Alibaba Cloud, when faced with so many different types of server names, it was a crash in my heart. I am just a little white. You gave me so many names, not to mention the difference. You also need to match different business scenarios with these instance types one by one. As a budding new person, Old Wei's heart was saying no. However, with the rapid development of cloud computing, more and more people have begun to contact and use ECS. As a veteran, Lao Wei has the obligation to share the details of the summary differences and selection of different host instance types of Alibaba Cloud Server.

Alibaba Cloud servers are divided into entry-level, general-purpose, computing, memory, big data, local SSD, high frequency computing, GPU, FPGA, elastic bare metal and other types. Today, what Lao Wei wants to talk about in detail is the entry-level, general purpose and computational models that are applicable to most businesses. The other types of hosts are relatively less common.

1、 Entry level includes burst performance instance t5 instance and shared instance

1. Burst performance example t5. Low performance, cheap price.

Performance: CPU availability is limited to 5%~10%. That is to say, whenever the CPU utilization reaches this figure, it is also the highest peak, and can no longer increase. At this time, the business needs are constantly requesting more CPU resources. What we see at the front desk is that the business will continue to get stuck and there will be no response for half a day.

Price: Compared with the enterprise level, the entry-level burst performance instance t5 is very cheap, and it will be exciting to see.

Scope of application: lightweight business, personal blogs with low traffic, small websites, unexpected activities and promotion levels, and other appropriate business scope.

There is a maximum limit of 10% - 15% performance baseline for CPU, and the price is better. New and old users can buy it. One order is limited, and the original price will be restored from the second order; The longer the time is, the more favorable the price is. New users can buy 3 sets.
Burst performance t5 instance (10% performance baseline) Burst performance t5 instance (10% performance baseline) Burst performance t5 instance (15% performance baseline)
1-core 1G 40G system disk 1-core 2G 40G system disk 2-core 4G 40G system disk
293 yuan/1 year 586 yuan/2 years 879 yuan/3 years 459 yuan/year 918 yuan/year 1377 yuan/year 798 yuan/year 1596 yuan/year 2394 yuan/year
Click me to buy Click me to buy Click me to buy

Lao Wei has written a lot of explanations, research and explanations for this model before. For interested students, please see the following related articles:

Alibaba Cloud t5 instance with burst performance should be carefully used for long-term site establishment and Windows remote desktop

Why does AliCloud cloud computing for all have t5 instances with burst performance? How to choose?

How can Alibaba Cloud burst performance t5 instances be slow and not stuck?

How to enable the performance constraint free mode for Alibaba Cloud burst performance instance t5 to solve CPU integral exhaustion and speed limit

2. Shared Instance

The shared n4 instance has unlimited CPU performance and high cost performance The shared n4 instance has unlimited CPU performance and high cost performance
1-core 2G 40G system disk 2-core 4G 40G system disk
653 yuan/year 1306 yuan/year 1959 yuan/year 1319 yuan/year 2242 yuan/year 2968 yuan/year
Click me to buy Click me to buy

You can refer to the previous articles on xn4 and n4: Alibaba Cloud shared basic xn4 instance details and usage suggestions

Can Alibaba Cloud share basic xn4 servers build blogs?

What is the difference between Alibaba Cloud shared basic xn4 instance and shared computing n4 server? How to choose?

What is the difference between Alibaba Cloud shared basic xn4 instance and computing network enhanced sn1ne instance? How to choose?

2、 Exclusive server

Including computing network enhanced and general-purpose servers

1. Look at the picture above, there is a computing network enhanced instance, which is also a kind of computing server. The network performance is relatively strong. It is also the main model of Alibaba Cloud. If your business requires high stability and speed, this model is highly recommended.

Performance balancing configuration, unlimited CPU performance, higher cost performance
Computing Network Enhanced Instance Computing Network Enhanced Instance
2-core 4G 40G system disk 4-core 8G 40G system disk
1566 yuan/year 3132 yuan/year 4698 yuan/year 2991 yuan/1 year 5582 yuan/2 years 7975 yuan/3 years
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2. Universal Instance

Universal servers appear in Alibaba Cloud enterprise server promotions. Starting from Alibaba Cloud computing servers, the configurations of 2-core 4G memory and exclusive models are available for enterprise servers.

Performance: CPU can operate under 100% long-term full load. Because you can enjoy 100% of the system resources exclusively, there is no such situation as stuck.

Price: It is a little expensive compared with the sudden performance instance.

Scope of application: small and medium-sized individuals, industry websites, small and medium-sized enterprise websites, etc.

2-core 4G 2-core 8G 4-core 8G 4-core 16G
40G efficient cloud disk
Computing Network Enhanced Instance Generic Network Enhanced Instance Computing Network Enhanced Instance Generic Network Enhanced Instance
Maximum network packet receiving and sending 2.5 million PPS The largest network receives and contracts 4.5 million PPS Maximum network packet receiving and sending 2.5 million PPS The largest network receives and contracts 4.5 million PPS
Maximum intranet bandwidth 6Gbps Maximum intranet bandwidth 10Gbps Maximum intranet bandwidth 6Gbps Maximum intranet bandwidth 10Gbps
720 yuan/year, 2088 yuan saved 1050 yuan/year, 2826 yuan saved 1390 yuan/year, 3782 yuan saved 2390 yuan/year, 4918 yuan saved
Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now

If the general instance configuration in this promotional activity cannot meet your needs, you can also Click me directly Go to customize the server options, where you can see more general server configurations. You can also see all the server models on sale and choose them freely.

Before purchase Click me to get it Alibaba Cloud 1000 yuan voucher gift package, including Alibaba Cloud 100+products, can save money by deducting from 50 yuan.

3、 How to choose so many different models?

1. The entry-level burst performance instance t5 and shared instance are applicable to those personal blogs and small websites. Among them, the burst performance instance has a CPU peak limit of 10%, so Lao Wei does not recommend selecting it. Unless you know how to optimize or meet business needs. Generally speaking, it is appropriate to start from shared instances.

2. If you use the Avada theme, The 7 theme, and the newspaper theme, Mr. Wei strongly recommends that you purchase the computing network enhanced and universal instances. This kind of theme itself consumes memory and system resources, so using these two models will not get stuck.

Enterprise level websites require high stability and are easy to use;

Medium and large websites with large daily traffic also need to use these two models to meet business needs.

3. After talking about the model, I talked about the configuration. Just starting blogs and small websites can use 1 core 2G, but they can be upgraded later if they are not enough; For enterprise level websites and the topics mentioned above, it is appropriate to use a 2-core 4G configuration.

In short, you can choose your own match if you understand it. If you really don't know how to choose, you can also ask Lao Wei on the right side.

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Article name: Summary, Difference and Selection of AliCloud Server Instance Types of Different Hosts
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/17436.html
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