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Tips for purchasing cost-effective ECS at 2019 Tencent Cloud New Year Purchase Festival

two thousand and nineteen Tencent Cloud New Year Shopping Festival It started on March 5, and the enthusiasm for buying cloud products has also risen in recent days. People everywhere are asking whether this configuration is OK or not, and whether the bandwidth is enough. In view of the different configurations of Tencent cloud activities each time, it is necessary for Weieis Blog to popularize the options Tencent cloud active server To teach you how to select a cloud server that is suitable for you and cost-effective.

As can be seen from the event page, this event, like before, is also a different branch venue, such as the explosive second kill zone and the ECS venue.

Official website of the event: Click me directly

1、 Explosives second kill

1. Focus on limiting CPU, memory, bandwidth, region and other conditions, that is, if you participate in the seckill activity, you can only buy the configuration displayed on the page. Fortunately, there are 5 activities every day, basically covering the all-weather period. Sometimes you are interested in 2-core 4G memory with 5M bandwidth, but you want 3-year bandwidth. Because it is the most cost-effective to buy for three years at a time, the one-year follow-up fee will be restored to the original price; Sometimes the configuration meets your requirements, but the region is not what you want; Sometimes when activities come out, you are not near the computer. For such things, you can either see fate, or see what Lao Wei taught you - set reminders.

2. How to set an official reminder?

There is a line of small characters below the version of the popular product second kill activity, and at the end of the line, there is a gold text "more times preview". Click to enter.

In the pop-up window, you can see the second kill time of the day and the corresponding session products. You can set a reminder in advance for those interested.

15 minutes before the start of the activity, you will be reminded to participate in the activity by sending SMS, email, and in station letter. It will be set once every morning. In this way, you won't miss the cloud products you want.

2、 Cloud products

Including ECS, cloud database, SMS, etc.

Let's talk about ECS. It is divided into light weight, enterprise and general purpose.

The lightweight model here is suitable for lightweight services. For example, those with hundreds, thousands, or eight thousand PV views every day are lightweight businesses, that is, businesses with small traffic. It is suitable for personal station building and other lightweight businesses, with ultra-high cost performance ratio, economic and practical;
The enterprise type means the business type with large flow, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands to millions. It can be used by both individuals and enterprises. Balance of computing, storage and network resources, good choice for medium and large-scale services;
The above two models are standard S2 models, which are currently the main models of Tencent Cloud.
The general model is the standard S3 model, which has higher performance and faster speed than the S2 model. It is equipped with Intel Skylake processor to meet the needs of various application scenarios.

Generally speaking, our personal blogs and small websites can choose lightweight ones; Only large businesses choose enterprise type; The universal model is suitable for businesses that require high server performance.

3、 Coupon

Finally, don't forget to get a voucher, which can be used to offset the consumption amount when making payment.

Generally speaking, if you want to buy cloud products with high cost performance in this Tencent Cloud Procurement Festival, you should first customize the official reminder, and then compare the price of the popular products with the cloud product sub venue. In this way, we can get the most cost-effective cloud products.

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Article name: Tips for Buying High Cost Performance ECS at 2019 Tencent Cloud New Year Shopping Festival
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/13978.html
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