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Alibaba Cloud trademark registration process graphic tutorial

Is the Alibaba Cloud trademark reliable? How about AliCloud trademark registration? Is AliCloud quick to register a trademark Where is the Alibaba Cloud trademark registered? What are the steps for Alibaba Cloud trademark registration? Recently, I saw many such questions from netizens on Weieis blog. Alibaba Cloud trademark registration is a new cloud product launched by Alibaba Cloud recently. It is mainly through expert assisted application and guarantee registration application to help people quickly pass the trademark registration review. As it is a new online cloud product, we are not familiar with it, so Weiaisi Blog intends to record and share the process of applying for Alibaba Cloud trademark registration in this article.

1、 What are trademarks and trademark registration

1. A trademark is a sign that can distinguish the goods/services of natural persons, legal persons or other organizations from each other. Its realization form includes the combination of text, graphics, letters, numbers, three-dimensional signs, color combinations, sounds and other elements. For example, you can see that each product in the advertisement has its own trademark, and these different trademarks are legally registered and protected in the Trademark Office.

Trademark registration is a trademark that has been applied for in accordance with the law and reviewed by the Trademark Office in accordance with the law without any objection. According to reliable statistical data, from January to September 2018, 5.507 million domestic trademark registration applications were rejected, 2.176 million were rejected, accounting for 40.4%. It can be seen that the application for trademark registration is still very likely to be rejected. So you should consider that there is nearly a half chance of rejection and no refund every time you apply. However, if the Alibaba Cloud guarantee registration application mentioned below is rejected, the fee can be refunded.

2、 Alibaba Cloud trademark registration price and type

The general trademark office charges 300 yuan per category. In other words, if you apply for self-service trademarks, you only need to pay the Trademark Office a "trademark registration acceptance fee" of 300 yuan (collected by Alibaba Cloud), which is a self-service trademark registration application for Alibaba Cloud trademark registration types.

Self service registration application Expert assisted application Guarantee registration application
Easy to use, simple and efficient Professional full process service Professional accurate assessment
Submit quick feedback in time Trademark retrieval analysis, evaluation success rate Balancing risks and opportunities
Control the whole process Check the progress at any time Optimize the registration scheme and provide all-round protection Risk sharing, failure refund
From ¥ 300 From ¥ 680 From ¥ 1380
Preferential purchase Preferential purchase Preferential purchase

1. Self service registration application

Self service application through Alibaba Cloud's fast application channel costs 300 yuan/item. This type may be rejected by the review body without refund, so it is generally not recommended to choose.

Trademark registration involves many different industries, among which the professional knowledge, operation process, etc. are difficult for novices who have not been contacted. In order to provide pass rate and spend less money, the following two types can be given priority.

2. Expert assisted application

The price of this type is 680 yuan, including 300 yuan for "trademark registration acceptance fee" (collected by the Trademark Office and paid by Alibaba Cloud). The advantage of expert assisted application type is that you can use the rich experience of experts to help yourself improve the success rate. And in the one-on-one communication process with experts, we can also learn more industry knowledge, which is more conducive to the application.

3. Guarantee registration application

The price of this type is 1380 yuan. This price is worth more than the price, because if the registration is rejected without success, Alibaba Cloud will refund the full amount, so users have no worries. However, the exception is that if someone objects to the registration, it does not belong to unsuccessful registration.

There is no risk of losing money in these three application services. The highest pass rate is the guarantee registration application. If you have a strong idea about registered trademarks, don't hesitate to choose this type.

The truth that you are expensive will not let you spend money in vain. Not only is the success rate extremely high, but you can also get back the full amount if rejected.

3、 No company can register a trademark?

If there is no company, you can also apply for trademark registration. The Trademark Office can apply for the certificate of a non mainland natural person or the business license of an individual business.

4、 Alibaba Cloud trademark registration process

1. If you choose expert assisted application or guaranteed registration application, it is very simple.

Click me to open On the Alibaba Cloud trademark registration page, select the expert application or guarantee registration application, and fill in the trademark information on the new page. As shown in the figure below, professional consultants will contact you within 2 hours of working days after the demand is released. The service chamber will provide you with trademark retrieval, success rate analysis, proposed registration scheme, quotation and trademark submission services, almost without your own operation.

The advantage is that both methods have high efficiency and pass rate. The bad thing is that if rejected, the expert assistance application will not be refunded, while the guarantee registration application will get a full refund.

2. If you have selected self-service registration application, proceed to the next step.

Fill in the trademark type and name. If you have prepared the trademark design yourself, upload it manually. If not, it will be generated automatically.

Select one or more fields where you want to register a trademark, and then enter the next page.

Select the applicant here. If it is the first time to register, enter personal information or enterprise information, and then go to certification. The information that has been authenticated does not need to be entered again in the future. You can quickly select it.

Fill in the proxy template information according to the page requirements, or upload a single proxy to meet the enterprise's compliance needs.

After checking the submitted trademark registration application on the order payment page, the payment can be submitted to the Trademark Office in the shortest one minute.

In general, applying for a registered trademark through Alibaba Cloud's trademark registration application can effectively improve the application efficiency and success rate. If you want to maximize the possibility of successful application and get a full refund after being rejected, you must choose the guaranteed registration application method, which has the highest cost performance.

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Article name: Alibaba Cloud Trademark Registration Process Graphic Tutorial
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/12138.html
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