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How to set administrator/root password when purchasing AliCloud servers

How to set the administrator/root password when purchasing AliCloud servers? Often students come to ask such questions after buying the administrator/root password. In fact, this option is already available at the time of purchase, and it is also allowed to set after creating an instance, so most students are unfamiliar with it, so they ignore this small detail. In this article, Weiaisi Blog shares how to directly set the administrator/root password when purchasing Alibaba Cloud servers.

1. If you purchased a cloud product from the AliCloud homepage, follow the prompts on the page step by step to see the three options: key pair, custom password, and setting after creation. Select a setting according to your own needs. If Windows system is selected, the login name here is administrator

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2. If you purchase the product from the national cloud computing page, you will see the custom password on the order confirmation page, and the options for setting after creation. Please set them yourself. If Windows system is selected, the login name here is administrator

It is set after creation by default when purchasing, so it is ignored. Later, I don't know how to modify the default login password. If you didn't set a password when you bought it, please move to How does AliCloud ECS reset the SSH password The picture and text tutorial is very detailed. So there are two ways to create a password for Alibaba Cloud Server. Either you set it when you buy it, or you forget it, just recharge the password on the console.

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Article name: How to set administrator/root password when purchasing AliCloud servers
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/11150.html
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