Methods and advantages of Yoast SEO full green light under wordpress Gutenberg editor

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Yoast SEO is one of the best SEO optimization plug-ins in wordpress at present

Yoast SEO is one of the best SEO optimization plug-ins in wordpress at present. So far, it has been received in the wordpress plug-in library Five star acclaim, installation times more than five million, in the field of SEO Wordpress website worthy of leading optimization plug-in.

The states of seo after optimized settings are:

    • Red light: need to be improved (basic optimization has not been achieved)
    • Yellow light: OK (basic optimization has been achieved, but there is still much room for optimization)
    • Green light: excellent (reaching a very good optimization level)

The absolute advantage of traffic light mode under Gutenberg's editing

The traffic light detection principle of Yoast SEO plug-in is to detect the text of articles and pages.

After understanding this principle, let's compare the differences between the classic editor and the Gutenberg editor.


Classic Editor

In classic editing, the scope of Yoast SEO inspection is shown in the following figure, including the page title and body content:

 Methods and advantages of Yoast SEO full green light under wordpress Gutenberg editor

The text and title output on the front end are shown here:

 Methods and advantages of Yoast SEO full green light under wordpress Gutenberg editor


It can be seen that if your theme provides some unique templates on some pages and outputs other customized content, the plug-in cannot detect them, and can only detect your body and title.

In this way, Yoast SEO can only optimize and detect news articles and some common text pages, while the slightly complex functional typesetting pages cannot be comprehensively detected.

Gutenberg Editor

The following is a home page edited by Gutenberg editor. It can be seen that the entire page has a very complex layout structure, but the layout structure of these loads is in the overall body:

 Methods and advantages of Yoast SEO full green light under wordpress Gutenberg editor


Gutenberg editing uses blocks to insert into the text, so any complicated typesetting is included in the text

Then the plug-in can check the body and All elements of the page are included for detection, which is more comprehensive At this time, the green light effect is optimized to be the overall seo effect.

Such detection and optimization can achieve the best effect


Yoast SEO tips: how to optimize to 100% green light status?

First, let's look at the optimization effect we have done for a foreign trade customer (in order to protect customer privacy, the titles are hidden):

Page 100% green light:

 Methods and advantages of Yoast SEO full green light under wordpress Gutenberg editor


100% green light of products and news: (35 articles in total, 35 articles with excellent seo screening, that is, the total number of green lights)

 Methods and advantages of Yoast SEO full green light under wordpress Gutenberg editor

What are the main ways and techniques of using plug-ins for optimization? Let's analyze some key contents based on practical experience.


Readability optimization: use of paragraph level and title

 Methods and advantages of Yoast SEO full green light under wordpress Gutenberg editor

First of all, after editing the entire page, we should switch to readability detection, which is to check the structure and hierarchy of the entire page content.

1. Paragraph length

  • Paragraph length The length of each paragraph should not be too long. If it is too long, it should be segmented according to the content
  • A sentence should not be too long, a whole sentence should not be without punctuation marks, and long sentences with more than 200 words should be separated by commas, etc
  • Some analysis contents are numbered with lists. As you can see now, the list numbers with dots or numbers are added in front to make the paragraphs clearer

2. Subtitle assignment

  • Subtitles refer to H tags. Generally speaking, the entire page only needs one H1 tag, that is, the first level title. You need to distribute some second level titles to four levels of titles in the page. Pay attention to the level of titles. If four levels of titles are placed, there must be three levels of titles, without gaps.
  • The length of subtitles should not be too long. Generally speaking, subtitles play a role of starting and ending. It is enough to summarize.


SEO optimization of page content: keyword distribution, image alt content, title optimization, original description optimization

 Methods and advantages of Yoast SEO full green light under wordpress Gutenberg editor


Attention should be paid when putting content

  • Core keywords must appear in the headline, preferably at the beginning
  • When placing the first paragraph, the core keywords must appear, preferably at the beginning
  • Core keywords or synonyms of core keywords should appear in the subtitles. The distribution of subtitles should be more uniform, not concentrated in the head
  • The original description must contain core keywords, preferably at the beginning
  • Core keywords need to appear in the alias (this is the setting for English sites, and Pinyin can be used for Chinese)
  • The length of core keywords should be controlled. The keywords appearing on the whole page can be added with long tails and synonyms. For example, the core keywords are website construction, which can be used evenly in the article: enterprise website construction, what should be paid attention to in website construction, what procedures should be used to build websites, etc
  • The image name can use keywords, and the alt description must be set
  • The distribution of keywords should be as uniform as possible
  • The text on the whole page should not be too little, preferably more than 300 words. If it is too little, some company introductions can be added at the bottom of the page.
  • Do a good job of internal connection, which can be recommended articles, recommended products, the latest products, etc
  • There needs to be some external links (not absolutely necessary). External links can be keyword links to Wikipedia, industry officials, Baidu Encyclopedia, authoritative site articles, etc.


Basically, after the above points are achieved, the green light of detection will light up, and the content of each article can be checked one by one to reach a very good SEO optimization level.


In addition to article inspection, classification and tags can also be inspected and optimized.

In addition, the search appearance in the Yoast SEO plug-in can also be adjusted.


In conclusion, Yoast SEO is a very good optimization tool, but in the actual optimization, we still need to constantly adjust our own content, as well as the use of external links, inclusion tools, webmaster tools and other content, mining core keywords, laying long tail keywords, and improving friendship links and other content

The most important thing is to insist that the optimization of SEO, especially the optimization of Google in the foreign trade industry, is a long-term process. The readability and professionalism of the website content is the first thing to win the favor of users. If you gain the favor of users, search engines will naturally like your website, so as to get a better ranking.








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