Cloud parallax woocommerce mall theme

 Cloud parallax woocommerce mall theme
¥999 /1 Site authorization ¥1499 /2 Site authorization ¥1799 /3 Site authorization

One site corresponds to one license. How many websites need to be created with the theme, and how many licenses need to be purchased

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How to purchase paid themes? Frequently asked questions about the purchase and use of WordPress themes [What's the difference between the paid version and the free version?]

Package 1: The theme can be used from+280 yuan (starting) 3-year virtual host (1G website space, single site), free reinforcement security, speed optimization, one-stop installation configuration website

Package 2: Purchase theme+999 yuan (starting) for one year (multiple sites), Complimentary ECS configuration, reinforcement and optimization services (original price 600) and one-stop installation configuration website! Please consult customer service for details.

Parameter introduction Update log Materials and downloads

Introduction to Cloud Parallax Woocommerce Mall

 Cloud parallax woocommerce mall theme

Cloud parallax woocommerce mall theme demonstration data and video tutorial download

Video tutorial Baidu Cloud Watch and import demo data download address: [Cloud parallax series wordpress theme video tutorial, demo data download]


Animation drop-down effect+swiper animation slider, no matter which device you are on, it can make your website refreshing

For this theme, we have used the animated long screen drop-down trigger effect, and the 3D superimposed animated slides produced by swiper, so that your website can attract users at the first time.

Switcher and CSS3 responsive design enable your users to access your website smoothly no matter which device they access from.

The CSS3 animation effect makes the animation more smooth and smooth, and will not consume the resources of the user's equipment, nor cause the phenomenon of "stuck".

The animation module has switch options in the theme options. If you do not need to pull down to trigger animation, you can easily turn off this effect in the background.


Flexible icon display module makes it easier for you to create icon display modules such as service projects/product advantages

Now the icon module and slide module have new input methods in the background

In the background, you can easily customize the number of icons. In the background, you can see a thumbnail of the icon, which can be easily expanded for editing. The theme is easier to use.

 Cloud parallax woocommerce mall theme


HTML5 tag layout+seo weight tag customization, more friendly to search engines!

At present, most search engines have already supported HTML5 tags, that is, the new tags provided by HTML5 will be recognized by search engines, which is undoubtedly very good for SEO.

When developing themes, we used these new HTML5 tags to make it easier for search engines to understand your website layout: top, navigation, articles, sidebar, release time, bottom and media (pictures, videos, etc.)

The theme function includes the html 5 package customization of the home page module and the HTML5 layout of the article, directory and product pages, so that search engines can better understand your website so that it can be included faster and ranked better.

The following figure shows the seo function settings of the topic, including the title weight label (H label and strong label), the section label of the outer package and the article label of the article package:

 Cloud parallax woocommerce mall theme

This function can make it easier for you to customize the SEO layout and weight of the whole homepage. If you have some knowledge about SEO, this function can help you optimize SEO very conveniently!

You can read this article: Function of HTML5 tag on seo, and introduction to HTML5 tag customization function

This article introduces the current impact of HTML5 on SEO, as well as the functions and optimization descriptions we have developed, to further understand the optimization of HTML5 layout for SEO


Perfect after-sales service and permanent free upgrade service

When you buy this theme, you can enjoy a permanent upgrade service. Friends who have used woocommerce may know that the upgrade frequency of woocommerce is very high. If there is no upgrade support, your website will soon prompt:

Your theme (xxxx) contains some outdated copies of WooCommerce template files. These files may be compatible with the current version of WooCommerce only after upgrading You can view which files are on the system status page. If you have any questions, please contact the author of this topic

During the development of woocommerce, we have experienced several major updates of woocommerce (especially after entering 3.0). Many functions of woocommerce have been optimized. If the theme does not update these functions in time, we will not enjoy the optimization provided by the new version of woocommerce. If the version is too old, It may cause unusable errors or website vulnerabilities, so it is very important to purchase a woocommerce theme that can be maintained and updated for a long time.

In addition, we also provide manual customer service support. We will help you solve any problems and difficulties you encounter when using the theme. If you have enough time, we will also help you with problems beyond the theme.

After the theme is purchased, it can help you install and import the demo data of the theme. You just need to log in to the background directly to use it


Cloud parallax woocommerce mall theme update log:

2021-7-22 134

  1. The compatibility of WOOCommerce version 5.5.2 has been updated, and 6 WOOCommerce files have been updated this time
  2. The update is compatible with the blockization of WordPress 5.8 gadgets. Update to this version to be normal

2021-1-14 133

  1. Updated the compatibility of woocommerce version 4.9.0. This time, three woocommerce files have been updated

Version 1.29 of August 12, 2020

  1. The compatibility of WOOCommerce version 4.3.2 has been updated, and three WOOCommerce files have been updated this time
  2. Fixed the compatibility problem that some buttons in the background editor failed after WordPress 5.5 was updated.

Version 1.28 of March 16, 2020

  1. The support for WOOCommerce version 3.8 is updated. Six WOOCommerce files are updated this time

2019-11-19 Version 1.26

  1. The support for WOOCommerce version 3.8 is updated. Six WOOCommerce files are updated this time

August 20, 2019 Version 1.25

  1. Update the support for woocommerce version 3.7. This time, 10 woocommerce files have been updated

2019-6-24 Version 1.24

  1. The function of one click data import has been updated, and now you can use One click data import It is easy to import data with one key
  2. Updated the filing link of ICP MIIT
  3. Optimized some content

2019-4-22 Version 1.22

  1. The update is compatible with WOOCommerce version 3.6.1. Now you can update the WOOCommerce plug-in and theme to the latest version

2019-3-26 Version 1.21

  1. Fixed the problem that the variable selection picture was unchanged
  2. Optimizes the problem that the description of the store page cannot be called correctly in some environments
  3. Optimized some details

2019-3-20 Version 1.20

  1. Fixed the problem that editing an order automatically changed the order status to shipment status
  2. Fixed some scripting issues
  3. Fixed some style issues

2019-3-16 version 1.19

  1. The function of automatically calculating freight on the product details page has been optimized. Now the calculation of freight will not always rotate, and freight types can be displayed. You can set multiple freight types and display them directly.

2019-2-23 Version 1.18

  1. The upgrade is compatible with WOOCommerce version 3.5.5, and three WOOCommerce files are updated this time

2019-2-21 version 1.17

  1. Fixed a problem where the PHP file was not standardized, which caused a character space to be output before the header (causing the XML to fail to generate normally)

2019-2-16 Version 1.16

  1. The upgrade is compatible with the 2.0.1 version of woocommerce Group Buying Plug in. Now the support for variable products is set to group buying products.

2019-2-13 version 1.15

  1. The upgrade is compatible with WOOCommerce version 3.5.4. This time, 1 WOOCommerce file is updated
  2. Fixed invalid insertion of inner page breaks

2019-1-4 Version 1.11, 1.12/1.13

  1. Fixed the problem that the title and image could not be obtained by the product comparison function
  2. Fixed the problem that the selected products will still be hidden in the product screening

November 5, 2018 Version 1.10

  1. The upgrade is compatible with WOOCommerce version 3.5.2, and four WOOCommerce files are updated this time

2018-11-5 Version 1.09

  1. The upgrade is compatible with the version 3.5.1 of woocommerce. Three woocommerce files are updated this time

2018-10-30 Version 1.05/1.06/1.07/1.08

  1. It is fully compatible with WOOCommerce version 3.5. This time, 21 WOOCommerce template files have been updated. Now the update to the latest version will not prompt.
  2. The function of tab floating label button has been added. Now you can insert tab floating label button in the article. Click to go to the introduction of suspended TAB function
  3. The compatibility of woocommerce group buying plug-in has been increased. Now you can use the group buying plug-in to open group buying products
  4. Dramatically optimized script output
  5. The function of automatic URL switching has been added. Now, operations such as website migration, SSL deployment, and domain name modification do not need to use sql or plug-ins to modify the whole site URL, but automatically switch.
  6. The built-in program of variable goods has been optimized. Now the display of variable goods has added the option of drop-down menu, and this function is more reliable and smooth
  7. Added compatible logistics query plug-in
  8. Compatible promotional rebate plug-in ps has been added. Tutorial of all compatible plug-ins will be launched soon. Please pay attention to the official website

2018-8-21 Version 1.05

  1. The function of automatic URL replacement has been added. Now functions that need to change URLs, such as importing data, migrating websites, and adding ssl, do not need to replace URLs. They can now be replaced automatically. The background theme option has an option to turn off this replacement function.

July 31, 2018 Version 1.04

  1. When WOOCommerce attribute filtering is added, the title and description change according to the changes of the selected attribute. It is more friendly for SEO optimization, and the combination of attributes allows search engines to include more relevant pages.
  2. Fixed and optimized the content of the scoring system
  3. The WOOCommerce 3.4.4 version is released, and two WOOCommerce template files are updated this time
  4. Fixed the problem that if the product album is not set, the product cover image will not be displayed
  5. Fixed some language replacement features

2018-7-20 Version 1.03

  1. Fixed the problem that the link was invalid when the slide module selected the proportional zoom image

2018-6-13 Version 1.01

  1. The Woocommerce v_3.4.2 version has been comprehensively screened and compatible. The Woocommerce template file lower than the Woocommerce 3.4.2 version has been comprehensively updated, as well as the latest function usage method of Woocommerce. Now the topic has been completely compatible with the Woocommerce 3.4.2 version.
  2. Fixed some style sheet problems, structural problems, and new debug prompts found during the compatibility update. Now you can safely update to the latest version of woocommerce (3.4.2)

Data and downloads related to the theme of cloud parallax woocommerce mall:



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