New energy charging pile - green style - English foreign trade - WordPress block enterprise theme

 New energy charging pile - green style - English foreign trade - WordPress block enterprise theme
Ontology theme: super block WordPress theme - standard version View this presentation View all presentations Purchase ontology theme

This is Super Block WordPress Theme - Standard Edition After purchase, you can use the style block of the ontology theme

Go to buy Super Block WordPress Theme - Standard Edition noumenon

This is a description and download of the theme style. The block theme is an ontology with which we have produced a lot of style and industry block data
You can use the subject ontology to purchase any block data and content. The blocks will be described and downloaded here.

How to purchase paid themes? Frequently asked questions about the purchase and use of WordPress themes [What's the difference between the paid version and the free version?]

Software copyright registration number of the People's Republic of China: 2022SRO551654

Block Style Introduction

This is Super Block WordPress Theme - Standard Edition English foreign trade style template of new energy and charging pile industry style, purchase Super block wordpress enterprise theme You can import and use this style.

For this wordpress theme style, we have created a bilingual site using a set of materials. The Chinese site demonstration of this style is: New energy charging pile industry style - green and simple - WordPress block enterprise theme

English sites and Chinese sites both combine their own habits and styles for different typesetting. If you want to create a bilingual site with the same industry materials, you can use this matching bilingual style for production.


A language switch button is set at the head of the theme to switch between two languages for language site access.

The Chinese and English bilingual sites are designed separately, using most of the materials, which can fully separate the habits of Chinese users and English users, so that bilingual sites can serve bilingual customers and make users of different languages more accustomed to visiting.

You can use dual domain names to create bilingual sites, which is more friendly for the inclusion of search engines in two languages. If you focus on a particular language, you can also use the form of single domain name+subdirectory to create sites, and use wordpress multi site mode to more easily manage all language websites.


The addition of color changing head enables more design elements to be reflected

In this update, we have added a color changing website header, which can be set as a color with low transparency when it is at the top by default. When users scroll the page and the head hovers, the color matching will become pure white. This design allows you to cover the integrated design of head+slide banner.

 New energy charging pile - green style - English foreign trade - WordPress block enterprise theme

When it is at the top by default, it can be semi transparent, and the color and logo are white

 New energy charging pile - green style - English foreign trade - WordPress block enterprise theme

When scrolling, the website header will be suspended by default, while the background color will become pure white, and the logo and text color will become green

Color changing navigation can easily set color matching and logo image in two states separately.


Add the form arithmetic verification code, and the protection robot will leave invalid messages on the message form

 New energy charging pile - green style - English foreign trade - WordPress block enterprise theme

This time we have added the function of setting the verification code with one key. You can set the arithmetic verification code in the theme option - Initialization.

The verification code added this time adopts the triple way of front-end script, back-end verification and double digit mixed id, which can well prevent the general non browser robots from issuing invalid messages. Moreover, the lightweight code design, which is faster and more efficient without loading pictures, can also recommend using firewalls to prohibit non browser users from accessing, The coordinated defense effect is better.



We split this industry style module. In version 2.08, you can find them in the block template library and use them Block template function You can use it by inserting it directly.

In addition, we provide split data in this style, so you can download all pages, product samples, and block templates in a complete way.


New energy charging pile industry style - English version - WordPress import data - download all pages

Please unzip the downloaded compressed package to get a page.xml file. Import it from Wordpress background tools. After importing, you can get four pages: home page, about us, cooperative website building, contact us

New energy charging pile style - English version - download all pages

New energy charging pile industry style - English version - WordPress import data - download all sample articles

Please unzip the downloaded compressed package to get a post.xml file. Import it from Wordpress background tools. After importing, you can get an article: product example

New energy charging pile style - English version - sample product article download

New energy charging pile industry style - English version - WordPress import data - download all block templates

Please unzip the downloaded compressed package to get a block.xml file. Import it from Wordpress Background Tools. After importing, you can get five block templates: sidebar contact, news center header, product center header template, product drop-down template, website bottom, website header template

New energy charging pile style - English version - download all block templates



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