WordPress Baidu official website sitemap plug-in

WordPress Technology Blog Plug in Introduction

 WordPress Baidu official website sitemap plug-in

Please note: according to the feedback of some users, the installation of this plug-in will have a certain impact on the website (on WordPress 4.0):

1. This will cause the background publishing of articles to slow down or even fail.
2. This has led to a large number of 404 Baidu webmaster tools.
3. It conflicts with the configuration of some virtual hosts and cannot be used normally.
Therefore, add this warning prompt. Please install it carefully.

Baidu officially launched the WordPress website map plug-in (structural data plug-in), which can quickly and completely submit forum pages and content to Baidu. Help Baidu Spider better understand your website and help collect it. For high-quality data resources, you can apply structured summary style to optimize the display of the website on Baidu's search results page. According to different community forum software systems, structured plug-ins are divided into: Discuz! Structured data plug-in and WordPress structured data plug-in have basically the same functions. Download address: http://zhanzhang.baidu.com/dataplug/index

As the plug-in is officially produced by Baidu, it can traverse the historical URL data of all pages of the website, automatically generate a sitemap to submit to Baidu, and automatically push your website update information, thus speeding up Baidu's collection.

The installation is also very simple, with almost no too many settings. Upload the installation package in Plug in – Install Plug in, and then enter the control interface of Baidu sitemap after enabling to see the following settings. Click to verify the installation directory, and check the automatic push and save after the installation directory is successful:

 WordPress Baidu official website sitemap plug-in

After installation, wait a few days (the time is uncertain, some users can see the data the next day, and some need to wait several days) to see the data pushed by Baidu in the background:

 WordPress Baidu official website sitemap plug-in

If you haven't installed this plug-in, you can try to install it to improve Baidu's inclusion level.




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