WeChat Mall Free Woocommerce Wordpress Mall Theme

 WeChat Mall Free Woocommerce Wordpress Mall Theme

Download the free Woocommerce Wordpress Mall theme

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Please read carefully before purchasing our products and downloading the theme Copyright Notice and Download Terms

How to purchase paid themes? Frequently asked questions about the purchase and use of WordPress themes [What's the difference between the paid version and the free version?]

Package 1: The theme can be used from+280 yuan (starting) 3-year virtual host (1G website space, single site), free reinforcement security, speed optimization, one-stop installation configuration website

Package 2: Purchase theme+999 yuan (starting) for one year (multiple sites), Complimentary ECS configuration, reinforcement and optimization services (original price 600) and one-stop installation configuration website! Please consult customer service for details.

Parameter introduction Update log Materials and downloads

WeChat Mall Free Woocommerce Wordpress Mall Theme Introduction

This theme is WeChat Mall woocommerce Mall The free experience version of the theme, you can download this theme for use. The scope of use of the theme is not limited by copyright. You can use it to build your company website or your personal favorite website.

This theme is a woocommerce theme, so we need to install the woocommerce plug-in for use. We have included the plug-in and import data necessary for the theme in the downloaded file. You can import the data of the demonstration site according to the import data, so as to build your website faster.

Responsive join, compatible with mobile version of free woocommerce wordpress theme

For this theme, we used the fourth generation responsive framework design developed by the WEB theme park. You can use your mobile phone to access the mobile version to understand the performance of the theme on mobile devices. For the overall design, we referred to the design of domestic mainstream app stores, and optimized the user experience.

You can scan the following QR code to check the performance of the mobile terminal:

 WeChat Mall Free Woocommerce Wordpress Mall Theme


Full data import, refer to the settings of imported data, which can be easily and quickly modified into your own data

A free version of WeChat Mall to import data tutorial:

 WeChat Mall Free Woocommerce Wordpress Mall Theme

(Please note that version 1.02 supports one click import. If you use an earlier version, please download the latest version.)

Note that the uploads folder contains all the demo images. You need to use ftp to upload the uploads folder to the wp content folder

Plug ins must be put into the folder first!!

The product id permalink for woocommerce folder and woocommerce folder of the required plug-ins need to be uploaded to the wp content/plugins folder
Otherwise, an error will be reported after importing!

The table prefix of wp-config.php is wop_

Use phpmyadmin to directly import weekcommerce_free.sql. MySQL should be above 5.6 and can be imported normally

If the import error occurs, you can select the mysql compatibility mode to import the compatible sql file: weekcommerce_free323.sql

After importing, find the options table. Find the home and siteurl in the options table http://localhost/free/ Change to your own domain name

Log in to the background after modification
Background account admin
Password 123456

Log in to the background in User - New User Create a new administrator account and delete the admin account (remember to choose to inherit the data of the admin account to the new account)

In this way, the entire import can be completed, just refer to the video tutorial operation.

The customized gadget typesetting module is more flexible, and it is easier to obtain various information

This theme is customized by using WordPress's native gadget, so you can use our module with thumbnail for home page layout, and you can easily find the module you want through thumbnail:

 WeChat Mall Free Woocommerce Wordpress Mall Theme

By default, the widgets provided by woocommerce, wordpress and other plug-ins are displayed in text, while the widget modules provided by WEB theme parks are displayed in thumbnail.

You can easily find the module you want to use without having to read the instructions.


Customize the picture size called by all modules

We have very detailed comments on these modules. The role of each function and the size of the thumbnail called are detailed:

 WeChat Mall Free Woocommerce Wordpress Mall Theme

WeChat Mall Free Woocommerce Wordpress Mall Theme Update Log:


The function of importing demonstration data by one button has been added. Now you can use One click import plug-in Imported presentation data


The automatic URL switching function has been added. Now you can import the database in a new way, which is faster and more convenient.

Related materials and downloads of the theme of Woocommerce Wordpress Mall, a free version of WeChat Mall:



As for the comparison of theme function and paid version, you can decide whether to purchase the paid version according to the following comparison between the free version and the paid version:



1. Responsive design , you can customize the layout of the PC and mobile terminals. All modules can select three options: "Display on PC only", "Display on mobile only", and "Display on both PC and mobile terminals" to help you adjust your website more to your website.

2. Customizing the whole station style , we have set the function of customizing and adjusting the style for all areas. You can completely customize the background color, background picture, text color and some details of all areas, so that you can easily create more suitable segmentation

3. Customize the seo module code, We have set all output modules with exportable seo tags. You can completely customize their title as H2/H3/H4/H5/H6/strong/DIV tags. You can completely customize the whole website hierarchy, so that search engines can better understand your website

4. Template adjustment of classification system, Different structures and output modes can be selected for both article classification and product classification, such as: full column or two column, image and text composition or image composition, and image composition in one row. Different classification list styles can be selected and combined. [Paid version]

5. The mode of the article, If the video code is entered for the article, the article in video mode will be displayed, and the structure can also be selected: two columns or full column [paid version]

6. Photo album of articles and product text, We have enhanced WordPress native album. You can output slideshow album and click enlarged picture list album in article and product body. [Paid version]

7. Creating and deleting widget locations , we provide the function of adding location and deleting for gadget customization, so that you can create some sidebar locations, select the corresponding sidebar in categories, products and pages, and output completely different sidebar content [paid version]

8. Customize the seo label, We have added the option of seo mode in article classification, article, page, product classification and product. You can directly rewrite the title, keyword and description here

9. Multiple screening of articles, The multiple screening of articles is different from the multiple screening of products. This screening is a [paid version] that uses labels and classifications to filter articles

10. Woocommerce product comparison, You can select up to 4 products from any product list for comparison [Paid Version]

11. Woocommerce multiple screening, We have created a new multi filter style using the gadget provided by woocommerce by default. You can rely on this multi filter to let customers better filter the products they need [paid version]

12. New product display interface, It includes graphical commodity attribute selection variables, automatic freight calculation, chain recommended products and new adjustment of favorite product positions, making the entire product page more exciting, And the mobile terminal has been completely reset. The mobile terminal is APP mode, which is more friendly to mobile users!

13. User scoring and printing functions, We set that only users who have purchased the WOOCommerce product can score, and can print pictures through our plug-ins. At the same time, administrators can also score and print pictures on their own in the background [paid version]

14. The newly made Woocommerce Personal Center, We have completely rebuilt Woocommerce's personal center to make it more friendly and display more rich content instead of the default simple style (you can copy the comments and photos of your third-party platform online store)

15. Optimize the friendly woocommerce order process, We only have a graphical order process, and can support the query of express delivery, so that users can view their order dynamics more friendly and clear

16. Simplified woocommerce settlement page The default WOOCommerce settlement page shows more and miscellaneous content. We have removed some unnecessary options and settings from the WOOCommerce settlement page, and reordered the WOOCommerce settlement page, which is more in line with domestic customs.

17. Multi language replacement function, We only have text translation options in the background. You can directly translate and replace all the front-end text in the background. This setting makes it easier to build a website in English or other languages, or replace the fixed text you don't like

18. The theme is compatible with many practical plug-ins You can use these plug-ins to create the functions you want, such as social login, Alipay WeChat payment, SMS verification, static acceleration, object cache acceleration, website compression, etc. (See our recommendations)

17. Because the whole theme involves many places, The above is the introduction of the main functions. We have optimized the details of the whole theme. You can find more useful settings in use



Article comments

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  1. Shanghai Yixin entrapped Hubei car owners reply

    Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Error@ Import

  2. wuosng_ reply

    How to modify the words on the pictures under the WOOCOMMERCE advanced theme advantage column of the WEB theme park on the home page?

    • 5 Lovers reply

      How to import? Plug in import does not respond. Now the home page cannot be opened for advice: 9419141

  3. Cervicollis bursa reply

    It is hereby declared that this website is a sample website, whose purpose is to show the functions of the programs (including wordpress main programs, themes and plug-ins) used by this website. All materials, goods and contents of this website are examples, not true, and should not be used as real goods and materials. If these example materials infringe your rights, please contact us to delete them

    Every page has this paragraph of text. Where can I delete it? I haven't found a place

    •  WEB Theme Park
      WEB Theme Park Administrator reply

      Custom – bottom setting search

  4. Cervicollis bursa reply

    After a product is selected, where are the full body photos of the products in [Description] modified? I haven't found a place

    • Cervicollis bursa reply

      Here we are

  5. Cervicollis bursa reply

    Import according to the video tutorial. All the 404 fixed links on the inside page have been clicked and have no effect

    •  WEB Theme Park
      WEB Theme Park Administrator reply

      Pseudo static under server settings

  6. Cervicollis bursa reply

    Refer to the video tutorial for import. Why are the internal pages 404? Fixed links have been clicked

  7. the remotest corners of the globe reply

    Can't you download it?

  8. elonTrue reply

    Why can't I see the goods when I import data and preview?

  9. zhengweishanshen reply

    PHP warning: date() expects parameter 2 to be an integer, and the string is in line 1291 D: wwwroot zhengweisanshen wwwroot wp content plugins wordpress move wordpress move. php Why is it like this when I click data

    •  WEB Theme Park
      WEB Theme Park Administrator reply

      Check the PHP version and MySQL. It is best to use 5.6 or above. Otherwise, an error will occur

      • zhengweishanshen reply

        My PHP version is 7.0 and MySQL is 5.6! I changed the host on purpose. I first changed the AliCloud host to the Western Digital host, but it still didn't work.

  10. zhengweishanshen reply

    PHP warning: date() expects parameter 2 to be an integer, and the string is in line 1291 D: wwwroot zhengweisanshen wwwroot wp content plugins wordpress move wordpress move. php

  11. zhengweishanshen reply

    #1064 – You have an error in your SQL syntax; Check the manual that responses to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'a: 13229: {i: 0' at line 1 Why is data imported like this

  12. zhengweishanshen reply

    /FileManager/inc/upload_5xsoft.inc, line 41, this is why the file I just uploaded cannot be uploaded

  13. spke002 reply

    Who can teach me qq974274684 remotely? Thank you very much!

  14. spke002 reply

    How to install and enable the theme? The open web pages are blank~! It seems that there is no html in it. How can I install it! Which god teaches me~!

  15. Children's love reply

    What is the reason why the studio in the template cannot be displayed normally with the advertising map? Have been looking for a long time, but haven't found a solution? Can you see why?

    •  WEB Theme Park
      WEB Theme Park Administrator reply

      You can check whether the image name is in Chinese. Many servers do not recognize Chinese names

      • Children's love reply

        It is not a Chinese name. I use your own data, including the presentation on your website, but the pictures cannot be displayed.

        •  WEB Theme Park
          WEB Theme Park Administrator reply

          No, we can display it here, and other users can also display it using this free theme

          • Children's love reply

            Sorry, the browser has enabled ad filtering, and now it is OK, thank you!

  16. ぁ Ray 萪 reply

    The home page of the Hwan virtual host can open any link but cannot display the 500 error PHP 5.4

    •  WEB Theme Park
      WEB Theme Park Administrator reply

      After importing data, you can save it in the background - Settings - Fixed Link. You don't need to change the settings. Just save it. The PHP version of the host of HiChina is adjusted to 5.6

      • ぁ Ray 萪 reply

        The problem has been solved Thank you for your support!

  17. qinqinlizimeng reply

    There is nothing to import data for many times, so you have to restore it according to your own settings of the demo station. However, when you use the small tools again, you find that many small tools do not exist, such as the product call scroll module, the popular comment commodity module, and so on.
    It took a long time to restore to the appearance of a demonstration station.

    •  WEB Theme Park
      WEB Theme Park Administrator reply

      The demo is for the paid version. Many modules in the free version are not for the paid version. See the comparison between the free version and the paid version for details

      • qinqinlizimeng reply

        The demo is for free version

      • qinqinlizimeng reply


        Look at this demo

        It seems that the free version of the demo just opened is a little different?
        Is that so?

        •  WEB Theme Park
          WEB Theme Park Administrator reply

          This domain name is a paid demo, which is also a website built with a complete theme. The free version is a static demo, which has different functions

          • qinqinlizimeng reply

            Well, OK, thank you! I'll study it again. It's not enough to upgrade a paid version.

  18. humenren reply

    Hello, why does the background plug-in display blank when I install woocommerce?

  19. humenren reply

    Hello, why do I follow woocommerce, and the background plug-in will display blank?

  20. Tax payment reply

    The theme is uploaded and the preview is blank. I uploaded the plug-ins and sql in order. It's still blank... Depressed!

  21. Net name reply

    Hurry! WordPress move does not prompt success after importing SQL, but it is blank online, etc

  22. Maple leaves in late autumn reply

    The menu slide module can't be called out. Everything else is OK. How to solve this problem

    •  WEB Theme Park
      WEB Theme Park Administrator reply

      Slide is the entry menu of menu call - check all the options displayed in the upper right corner to upload pictures at the image description

      • Net name reply

        Brother! What happened when the SQL file was suddenly blank after being imported with WordPress move? Is the SQL character utf-8 or gbk?

        •  WEB Theme Park
          WEB Theme Park Administrator reply

          Utf8, the version of MySQL cannot be too low. We export it from MySQL 5.6. The version too low may not be imported successfully. The Woocommerce database requires 5.6 or higher

  23. q7382156 reply

    Can't download

    •  WEB Theme Park
      WEB Theme Park Administrator reply

      Previously, the theme failed to be enabled due to a serious error. It has been repaired and the download service has resumed. Now it can be downloaded

  24. Net name reply

    What's the situation? Can't download? No response after clicking?

  25. Tax payment reply

    Click Download to load this page!

  26. Extraordinarily large stomach reply

    After a trial, the local test was OK. Once the host was uploaded, the page could not be opened on the white screen. What is this problem?

    •  WEB Theme Park
      WEB Theme Park Administrator reply

      Woocommerce theme requires php5.6 or above and mysql5.6 or above. Check whether your host status meets

      • Extraordinarily large stomach reply

        Php7.1.1 and mysql5.7.17 are used

        •  WEB Theme Park
          WEB Theme Park Administrator reply

          Have you installed the woocommerce plug-in? After the plug-in is installed, it will be enabled

          • Extraordinarily large stomach reply


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