What are the advantages of wordpress?

 What are the advantages of wordpress?

What is wordpress?

WordPress can be said to be the most advanced weblog program in the world. Most of the programs currently developed are based on it. It can better grasp the search engine. After you use WordPress and master several plug-ins, you won't have to worry too much about optimization. It will think more for you.

There are about 30 million publishers using the WordPress platform, accounting for 10% of global websites. The monthly number of independent visitors to the official WordPress website reached 300 million.

WordPress has the most powerful plug-ins and templates in the world. Individuals can develop templates and plug-ins by themselves according to the rules provided by its core program. He can instantly change your blog into cms, forums, portals and other types of sites. Its powerful functions make you look at it with new eyes. WordPress Theme style templates are the most in the world. The types are complex, the quality is commendable, and the styles are various. You just need to put different template files in the Theme directory of the space to change freely in the background, which is convenient to use. And no matter what language packs you install, you can freely use these styles. There is no limit at all. There are too many WordPress Plugin extensions, so I can't choose several to explain to you in detail. But I want to tell you that as long as you know how to use the plug-in file in the plugin directory, any program will be a paediatric in your eyes. Just upload the plug-in file to your FTP plugin directory, and you can directly enable management in the background. Even powerful plug-ins will have their own management directory in the background, which is as convenient as the program itself. Its powerful plug-ins cover all the functions that can be realized on the Internet. With these plug-ins, the Xiaoao Jianghu is no longer a myth.

——-Extracted from Baidu Encyclopedia - wordpress

 What are the advantages of wordpress?

What are the advantages of using wordpress?

1. The cost of building a wordpress enterprise station is very low.

Wordpress itself is completely free forever. All you need is to purchase paid themes (templates) or download free themes (templates), which can be easily used. As for functional requirements, you don't need to spend money and manpower to develop, Wordpress has thousands of free plug-ins, which are almost omnipotent and can meet all your functional needs, whether it is e-commerce, cms, portal, image display, etc., you can easily meet your needs with plug-ins.

If you can't understand the above words, we can compare the mobile phones and software platforms produced by Apple.

Open source and development of third-party plug-ins, just like the Apple Store of iPhone and iPad, the mobile phone itself provides a platform with limited functions and practical ways, but the tens of millions of software in the Apple Store can almost make your mobile phone omnipotent! This is the same as WordPress plug-ins and themes (templates), which is also one of the most popular website building programs in the world!