Software development - Internet service - virtual product - dark department official website shopping mall - WordPress block shopping mall theme

 Software development - Internet service - virtual product - dark department official website shopping mall - WordPress block shopping mall theme
Ontology theme: super block WordPress theme - mall version View this presentation View all presentations Purchase ontology theme

This is Super block WordPress theme - mall version After purchase, you can use the style block of the ontology theme

Go to buy Super block WordPress theme - mall version noumenon

This is a description and download of the theme style. The block theme is an ontology with which we have produced a lot of style and industry block data
You can use the subject ontology to purchase any block data and content. The blocks will be described and downloaded here.

How to purchase paid themes? Frequently asked questions about the purchase and use of WordPress themes [What's the difference between the paid version and the free version?]

Software copyright registration number of the People's Republic of China: 2022SRO551654

Block Style Introduction

This is using Super block WordPress theme - mall version The enterprise website style of the enterprise official website+online virtual mall based on woocommerce+wordpress.

In this style, we have adopted the design of full dark color, which makes the overall vision simple and can highlight the key points. The official website is equipped with the design of the homepage of the enterprise website, the design of the core product download page, the design of the service project package page and the five pages about us and contact us. The mall is designed with two categories, software products and services, The content of software products can be directly added to the shopping cart to place orders, and the service items are set to the inquiry mode. Users can click the inquiry button to send the form data inquiry.

In this style production, we also added the style of navigation covered by the head images of articles, categories and commodity interfaces. Now, the overall style can be adjusted to be more unified.

In addition, this update also adds the option of disabling shopping cart and logging in to register the default entrance. If you only want to use the mall function of this theme as an inquiry, you can close the shopping cart and log in to register the entrance, which will make the entire website used as an inquiry site.

Display the product list of product attribute parameters horizontally

 Software development - Internet service - virtual product - dark department official website shopping mall - WordPress block shopping mall theme

When there are few products or the product content attribute is more important, set the product list mode to horizontal display, so that customers can see all the parameters of the product, and can directly add shopping carts, inquiries or view details.

This product display mode is also suitable for non virtual product sites, especially when there are many parameters for products in some technology industries. This display is more convenient and intuitive.


External and consulting products: product model optimization of direct purchase without shopping cart

WOOCommerce's product types include single product, variable product and external product. The external product only provides the form of connecting to external sites for purchase, and does not need to join the shopping cart to place an order for purchase.

On this basis, we have added an inquiry button, so that we can still use two buttons (or a single inquiry button) in external products to enrich the functions:

 Software development - Internet service - virtual product - dark department official website shopping mall - WordPress block shopping mall theme

In the external product type, when the user scrolls to the bottom, if the default external link button is set, the bottom prompt button will be automatically recognized as a jump connection.

If no external link button is set, the prompt button that appears when scrolling to the following details will directly pop up a form to fill in an inquiry for the customer.

 Software development - Internet service - virtual product - dark department official website shopping mall - WordPress block shopping mall theme

A new and optimized scoring system enables the calculation of customized template scores and customer real scores, and a half star display mode is added

In the previous version, the calculation of rating stars was relatively rough. Now, the scoring algorithm has been updated. The customer rating and template rating are combined for calculation, and the half star effect is added to make the scoring system more realistic.

 Software development - Internet service - virtual product - dark department official website shopping mall - WordPress block shopping mall theme



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