Software product service - software development - black style - WordPress block enterprise theme

 Software product service - software development - black style - WordPress block enterprise theme
Ontology theme: super block WordPress theme - standard version View this presentation View all presentations Purchase ontology theme

This is Super Block WordPress Theme - Standard Edition After purchase, you can use the style block of the ontology theme

Go to buy Super Block WordPress Theme - Standard Edition noumenon

This is a description and download of the theme style. The block theme is an ontology with which we have produced a lot of style and industry block data
You can use the subject ontology to purchase any block data and content. The blocks will be described and downloaded here.

How to purchase paid themes? Frequently asked questions about the purchase and use of WordPress themes [What's the difference between the paid version and the free version?]

Software copyright registration number of the People's Republic of China: 2022SRO551654

Block Style Introduction

This is Super Block WordPress Theme - Standard Edition 's software product service - software development - black style template, purchase Super block wordpress enterprise theme You can import and use this style.

This style is created by Super block WordPress theme - mall version A style under the banner Software development - Internet services - virtual products - dark series official website plus mall - WordPress block mall theme page split download It can be used in the standard version. After the standard version is upgraded to the latest version, the background import data can see this style and can be directly imported for use.

This style adopts a dark style with a black background, which makes the brand official website more stable and highlights technology and services.

Added the form Tencent cloud SMS verification

At the suggestion of many customers, we Super Block WordPress Theme - Standard Edition The form function has been enhanced and upgraded. Now you can use Tencent Cloud SMS plug-in to configure SMS sending verification, so that the form can use SMS to verify the user's mobile phone number, so as to receive more authentic mobile phone number information.

For access to Tencent cloud SMS, please enter this tutorial: After downloading the Tencent cloud plug-in and applying for access to the Tencent cloud SMS interface, open the Tencent cloud verification option in the form to perform the SMS verification function as shown in the following figure.

 Software product service - software development - black style - WordPress block enterprise theme



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