Auto parts - industrial parts - wholesale mall - WordPress block mall theme

 Auto parts - industrial parts - wholesale mall - WordPress block mall theme
Ontology theme: super block WordPress theme - mall version View this presentation View all presentations Purchase ontology theme

This is Super block WordPress theme - mall version After purchase, you can use the style block of the ontology theme

Go to buy Super block WordPress theme - mall version noumenon

This is a description and download of the theme style. The block theme is an ontology with which we have produced a lot of style and industry block data
You can use the subject ontology to purchase any block data and content. The blocks will be described and downloaded here.

How to purchase paid themes? Frequently asked questions about the purchase and use of WordPress themes [What's the difference between the paid version and the free version?]

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Block Style Introduction

This is using Super block WordPress theme - mall version The style of independent station in the mall with auto parts and industrial parts is made. This style adopts a double column style structure, which is suitable for enterprises with more product categories and products, and can display their products in an all-round way.

If you do not need the shopping cart function of the mall, you can close the shopping cart in the background and use this site as a pure inquiry and display site, which can be displayed and inquired in combination with product multiple screening, product comparison, and product forms.

The product system of woocommerce can effectively distinguish articles from products, so that the back-end management products are clearer and more friendly to search engines.

Add multiple filters for optional condition parameters

The parameters of multiple screening are all displayed in the previous version, so they are not friendly to some exclusive parameters. In this demonstration, the parameters include the car brands Toyota, Audi, BMW, Honda, and different models of different models, such as Toyota, Camry, Corolla, Prado, and Highlander

Audi, BMW and Honda have different models. If all the parameters are displayed, the car brand and model will be displayed, which is very confusing.

In this update, we have added new options. Now you can set single selection and subordinate filtering:

 Auto parts - industrial parts - wholesale mall - WordPress block mall theme

In this way, the car brand can be set as a single choice, while other attributes can be set as a sub level filter. In this way, when the brand is not selected, other attributes will not be displayed:

 Auto parts - industrial parts - wholesale mall - WordPress block mall theme

When a brand is selected, other attributes are displayed according to the number of products:

 Auto parts - industrial parts - wholesale mall - WordPress block mall theme

This can make the screening more hierarchical and easier for customers to select their products.




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