An unknown error has occurred, possibly because does not work properly

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Error prompted when installing wordpress plug-in online or updating plug-in theme

This question has been asked by many friends, and it is written here to give you a unified answer.

The complete error prompt is: "An unknown error has occurred. It may be that is not working properly, or the local configuration is incorrect. If the problem persists, please visit the Chinese support forum."

In the background of WordPress, we can search and install WordPress themes and plug-ins online, and also update WordPress themes, plug-ins, main programs, language pack translations and other operations online.

All these operations need to link to the official database of WordPress. WordPress is an open source program developed by an American company. Therefore, the server of the official directory of WordPress is also in the United States, so this problem occurs It is not that there is a problem with your website program, but that the server cannot access the WordPress official in the United States , there is no error in your website program, so you don't need too much attention.

Some domestic virtual hosts and servers cannot connect to the Internet, which is a relatively normal problem. Because many of the Internet cannot be accessed, you can choose to manually download the relevant files for manual update. The effect is the same and will not cause any impact.

For example, if online search for plug-ins is not available, you can search Baidu for the name of the plug-in you want. Generally, you can search for the plug-in you want and download and install it.

If you must solve this problem, you need to help your server provider. Generally speaking, this problem does not need much attention. After all, there are many other channels that can solve it.



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